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#Random thoughts
Added 2 years ago

I keep hearing news about problems in the health industry that ubiquitous use of digital systems such as those that Alcidion have could help resolve. We even hear of deaths while people are either waiting for an ambulance or waiting in emergency. And every time I hear of this I think that Alcidion could so easily be used to provide the proof to fix all these issues.

My own father-in-law recently had a stroke whilst waiting in a hospital corridor for a bed. He was only lucky that a nurse passing by, on change of shift, said hello to him and noticed his speech was slurred.

The result of saving a few minutes triaging him and having ANYONE initially look at him, resulted in 6 weeks in hospital, the first 3 in intensive care, and who knows how many staff and resources dedicated to his care. We are talking hundreds, if not thousands, of times more effort than it should have required. And how many other patients suffered similar problems while all those resources were allocated to just one patient?

Alcidion, used across the board, will provide a digital record that can then be analysed to sort out where the bottlenecks, or even simple inefficiencies, are. And if the problem truly is with lack of resources, what better way to put your argument to governments than with irrefutable records to back up your concerns.

In fact, I think sufficient benefit, both monetary and general public wellbeing, would substantiate be a government initiative paying for Alcidion products across the board in the public health system. And if money is the only thing governments will listen to, there could even be a case put forward for saving money in government payments that become unnecessary for properly treated patients who don‘t become long term dependents of care and related government funded services.

A tool is available to help find a solution—in efficiently digitally recording every activity done with patients! I’m sick and tired of all involved parties pointing fingers at everyone else. Let’’s get the details and then a long term solution can be found.

##ALC, Alcidion
Added 3 years ago

Discounted SPPs make the share price fall,

I do not like that.

Do not like that at all.

Closed off early, yet so, over subscribed,

A waste of funds in limbo,

Of that I am not happy, not happy at all.

Sorry, I've been reading Dr Seuss to the grandkids. And I'm shit at rhyming.

Still a happy holder though, and it seems so many others are also.

It was an interesting condition regarding subscribers who sold down their holdings after the SPP offer date. I haven't seen that before.

Added 3 years ago

Note the statement in the ASX announcement for the SPP early ending regarding adding your bank details if you want any refund resulting from scale back to be deposited directly into your bank account.
Cashing physical cheques is a bit archaic and non-desirable IMHO.

#Results Call
Added 4 years ago

From the conference call I'm loving the idea that the platform can be used outside of the hospital environment and that management are considering this.

This means patients can be monitored at home. A feature that is extremely valid in the current environment but also forward looking (as stated on the call) for using the application for monitoring our aging population both in nursing care and in their own homes.

As one caller stated on the conference call, this effectively places a nurse, if not a doctor, at your home.