Author: Jonathan Jackson

MMJ Group’s Growing Portfolio of Cannabis Assets

There’s little doubt the cannabis sector is primed for massive growth: legalisation continues across the globe, the benefits of cannabis and hemp are receiving greater recognition, and market acceptance is improving. Canada has led the charge in change management and cannabis industry growth. Canada, specifically, houses the largest cannabis companies in the world and was the first G7 nation to […]

NetLinkz helps Beijing government get people back to work

February has been a busy and very successful month for cloud network solutions group NetLinkz Limited (ASX: NET). NetLinkz is the creator of the Virtual Invisible Network (VIN), a globally patented network technology that allows organisations to quickly connect sites, devices and staff over the Internet through a unique network solution that is generally invisible. NetLinkz’s technology makes Fortune-500 security […]

Creso Pharma (ASX:CPH) hits major medical cannabis milestones in human and animal health

The global legal marijuana market size is expected to reach US$66.3 billion by the end of 2025. Growth will be fuelled by increasing legalisation and the growing adoption of cannabis as a pharmaceutical product for treating severe medical conditions, such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, and other neurological conditions. The US has already legalised medical marijuana in 33 states, with […]