Thanks @PeregrineCapital for sharing as this has made me do a little more looking over the fee structure of the LIC that I own.
I was starting doing some research into Bailador this week, so I feel like I am an outsider with no skin in the game. I put my mind to trying to think about why they would be looking to hold this position and came up with:
- Last year their whole change in value growth was attributed to their ownership in SDR (other holdings cancelled themselves out).
- If they hypothetically trimmed 50% of their stake in SDR, they might have something like $13m after tax to put into the next idea, or hold around $70 something million in cash (I'm sure holding more cash would make shareholders more irate).
- They might be waiting for another deal to materialise before
- Paul Wilson might have some good insight about growth and trajectory being a non-executive director in the company
My view of trying to back them up then turned when I looked at the SDR annual report.
If Bailador was to trim their stake to $25-30m to align with other investments, they would hold around 6m shares in SDR and have around 2% ownership stake in the business. Without their substantial owner status, it might be harder for Paul Wilson to justify his position as a non-executive director of SDR, which pays him a tidy $137k per annum. Given the growth prospects and analyst views they may not trim so much, but either way it would bring them under the 5% threshold.
Paul has been in the role since 2012 as a material investor in the company, so his value and input might be hard to displace from this role. However the cynic in me thinks that without substantial ownership status, SDR might look to bring in an outside big gun who could potentially open doors in the industry and bring different expertise to the table.
If that were to materialise, there safety net of guaranteed income for Paul might be over, there seems to be a big financial self interest at play. I'm sure some of this income risk to Paul is offset somewhat by his new role on the board of UpDoc, however he could be be waiting for another acquisition to get him onto another board before they start trimming SDR?
At the end of this deep dive into annual reports, I'm starting to agree with @GazD and will be looking to shift my focus to SiteMinder directly instead of BTI for now.