Forum Topics AD8 AD8 AGM Presentation & Update

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Last edited 2 months ago

As is generally understood, the short term is not looking great. Management reiterate "The long-term outlook for Audinate remains positive".

"The outlook for FY25 was somewhat of a disappointment for us, because we had become

accustomed to much higher growth rates year after year. But it’s here that there is also a good

news/bad news message in our findings. The bad news, as we have previously communicated,

is that we expect 2025 to be a transitional year, as our OEM customers continue to work through

their backlog, and we wait for end-user demand to pick up the slack and reaccelerate future

orders. As of right now we are expecting this to only take a year, but obviously that’s a projection

that could change in the future."


I would think that this is already baked into the share price, but lets see.

Added 2 months ago

Pinnacle announced today as a substantial holder also with 5 million dollars purchased on 23/10… is that actually separate from Hyperion or are they announcing as affiliated investment managers as per below doc? 386ad21f96bfde2842953af08ecae85bc013fe.png


Added 2 months ago

@GazD almost certain this is the same 5%+ for a few of reasons.

Hyperion announced it first, then PNI reported it with Hyperion listed as their subsidiary which it is.

You see this quite a bit when a sub picks up a direct holding 5% or more in a stock and then the parent reports a substantial holding notice a day or so later.

Pinnacle only have affiliates I believe, so won't hold securities direct. Even if I am wrong about this I would be shocked if PNI had taken a position in 3DP directly - same thing just happened over there when Hyperion took a 5% position in 3DP and Hyperion followed up with lodging a substantial holding.


Added 2 months ago

Cheers @Slomo . Here to ask the dumb questions!

Added 2 months ago

Hyperion became a substantial holder. They’re on my side! Haha took 5 million dollars worth on the 22nd October…

Added 2 months ago

stock of the day chat from yesterday…

broadly in line with @mikebrisy although without the depth of analysis…

Added 2 months ago

Excellent posts everyone, especially @mikebrisy.

Audinate sure is testing the faith of long-term holders. I sold out once (prematurely it turns out), but bought back in and have built the position out, and am still in profit though it is a lot skinnier than when it was at the highs. I am also in the camp that thinks FY25 will be volatile, and the low may not be in yet especially if the broader market corrects significantly too - of course, you will have a swift recovery if there is any surprise to the upside in terms of the OEM inventory depletions accelerating.