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Added 2 months ago

When Kidney Disease and CSL Vifor/ Dimerix is not enough ...


Corvus Pharmaceuticals - The little engine that can....

Still watching but can't get myself to buy....

Added 2 months ago

Breaking down in simple terms it looks like this drug that Corvus has breaks down the immuno-resistance of prostate cancer tumors so it can be more easily treated against Immunotherapy

That's my interpretation - others may have different way of reading it.

Potentially big against targeted radiotherapy like Telix and Lantheus (and that "other company") especially for patients that can't tolerate radiation.

But this is still early stage with 30% reduction in PSA.

Surprised no one is covering this. But not surprised this no revenue company is now soaring past a diluted market cap of $1bn.

Too bad I didn't buy when this was just over $100m USD.

Very interesting....


Added 2 months ago

I wouldn’t bet on immunotherapy for prostate cancer - there’s a long list of failed clinical trials in this area. This abstract doesn’t change that for me.

A key feature of radiopharmaceuticals is how well tolerated they are. It would be extremely rare for a patient not to tolerate radioligand therapy.

Disclosure - TLX held on SM and IRL


Added 2 months ago

Only 21 percent but still a 100 percent improvement from not using it. This is more like combination therapy.

I feel this psma and cancer market is getting smaller and there is less competitive advantage just like the addressable market of the software and finance sector for example.

Went to the cancer appointment and did not have to wait long at all this time.