Forum Topics Links to Strawman Presentation
Added a month ago

Hey @Slomo

As requested please find attached links to some of the resources mentioned in my presentation of Hamilton Helmer's book 7 Powers (as well as links to some of my old X write-ups).

Other resources

1. David Pakman on Disruptive Innovation & Mental Models in a Changing World - The Latticework Podcast

David highlights a great example of counter positioning using Gillette & Dollar Shave Club


2. 174: Hamilton Helmer - Power + Business - Invest Like the Best Podcast


3. How Britain Invented, Then Ignored, Blitzkrieg - Cautionary Tales Podcast

Consider Counter Positioning when listening

4. 51: Paul Black - Gratitude, Fun, and Growth Stocks - Capital Allocators Podcast

You can find my write-up to this one in the Education topic discussion in the Forum. Paul suggests an increasing ROIC could suggest the development or strengthening of a competitive advantage.


Added a month ago

Thanks again for a great presentation @CanadianAussie

There are some super valuable ideas in that book, and you gave an excellent overview.


Added a month ago

Thanks @CanadianAussie for the links and for a great presentation on 7 Powers!

Your Strawman preso got me to dive deeper on the 7 Powers book and I'm now thinking how to better formalise this and other moat / competition / strategy models in my process.

Some other 7 Powers Summaries & Breakdowns

7 POWERS by Hamilton Helmer on identifying successful businesses -

Stronger Companies, Deeper Moats: A Summary of 7 Powers -

Ram Bhupatiraju - Good review of "7 Powers", Hamilton Helmer's excellent book about Moats -

A summary and review of Hamilton Helmer's book, 7 Powers - by Abi Tyas Tunggal - and write up here

The Founders' List: Mind the Moat, Notes on 7 Powers from Flo Crivello (Founder & CEO Teamflow) -

Blas Moros Summary of 7 Powers -

7 Powers Podcasts

Some other Podcasts w Helmer explaining the 7 Powers (shortcut for those looking to get insights before reading the book)

Helmer's list of where he's appeared -

Here's one Helmer seems to have missed -

Other Moat resources

My favourite book on Moats is The Little Book That Builds Wealth (2008) - by Pat Dorsey.

Michael Mauboussin released another update on his Measuring the Moat paper this year -

The more I get into moats the more I realise they are a subset of Competition which is really a subset of Strategy.

Michael Mauboussin's Expectations Investing (2nd Ed, 2021) argues that you can't separate Competition (incl Moats) from Strategy - so he's on the same page as Helmer.

Bruce Greenwald's Competition Demystified (2005) tries to simplify the Porter's 5 Forces model - the OG on Competitive Strategy as it was called back then. Greenwald lands on Barriers to Entry as the key factor - so again aligned with Helmer's Benefit (common) & Barrier (uncommon) structure for each Power.


Added a month ago

@CanadianAussie @Slomo finally got around to watching the meeting, thanks for your efforts. slomo have you an exec summary of Mauboussin's tome? -just kidding. i have met Paul Black WCMQ several times and do have money with them, global growth etf, I like their philosophy but they have grown a lot since that interview ($26 to $100B ??), maybe too much. the investor (US) that i have come across that is the most fanatical about moats is Dev Kantesaria at Valley Forge, there are a few interesting YouTube clips on him, which may be worth a listen.