NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang suggests useful Quantum computing is 20 years away.
Define useful ....
Journalists love a good headline. This one mentions teleportation. Beam me up Scotty, but not quite. Scientists tested using entangled qantum particles for communication along a 30klm fibre optic. Using a specific wavelength of light the two entangled particles, a pair of particles that communicate with each other specifically, were able to transmit and receive data. The benefit is the ability to communicate qantum information along with current forms of information on the existing networks we have. Excepting the last few klms of copper if that's what you have! Interesting as an indicator of continuing progress and investment in this area.
Here is a link that gives a fair starting background in Qantum computing, and what it is (Canadian investment broker). It provides some useful information but also reads as an ad for investing in the QTUM EFT. Nevertheless interesting. QTUM is targeting the hardware side of things so whilst there is some AI in there its the hardware side - chip development.
Its an area I am interested in, although I admit I don't fully understand the technology. It's a very early development space, so perhaps/probably unattractive to anyone except those with a longer investing view.
You can invest in individual stocks but figuring out which one is the future Apple, Microsoft or Amazon of course is pretty difficult/impossible. Disclosure - I have a small holding in this EFT as a place marker so I can stay in touch with state of play. I expect my kids will benefit rather than I.
I searched for discussions on this forum and didn't find much. I would be interested in others views about the subject. I'm not sure there are many local commercial opportunities.