Forum Topics 8CO 8CO 4C

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Last edited a month ago

The 8CO 4C for Q2 FY25 is out today and unfortunately it's much the same as previous quarters

  • -$12k operating cashflow. Cash on hand of $100k
  • Total Revenue down from $2.25m PCP to $1.78m
  • Federal Gov Onboarding pipeline unchanged since 30 Sept 2024
  • ARPU down 1% on previous quarter, but up 10% on PCP
  • The small specks of good news are total users resuming its uptrend from 163k to 182k, continued reduced admin costs and a record SAAS revenue figure, but in the greater scheme of things these wins seem relatively minor.

I've ridden this one down 74% IRL, but this was the quarter I finally cut it loose. They make all the right noises every quarter, but the truth is that it's a ship that is taking waaayyyy too long to turn around. It's hard to see any catalyst in the next 6 months that will trigger an SP rebound.


Added a month ago

i agree @Dangles -- slow progress and seems to be running on fumes.

They’re still burning cash (-$12k for the quarter) and with just $0.1m left in the bank the only thing keeping them going is a $1.5m financing facility from the Executive Chairman. They keep talking up “strong business development,” but deals seem to take forever to convert into actual revenue.

To be fair, they've onboarded more government agencies, but the drawn-out TAPPS credit card transition delayed some revenue again. It all feels like a lot of waiting around.


Added a month ago

It very much feels like they are in survival mode, where it feels like a business at their stage of revenue would benefit more from spending an expansion, which is obviously not possible for them currently and the markets view.

A positive is that 12k cashburn continues to be pretty minimal. At this stage it's looking like they might survive.

Worrying is that substantial reduction in total revenue.


Added a month ago

What is truely puzzling is the unchanged fed pipeline, how can users still be in the onboarding stage for such extended periods?. At the very least there should be a comment made