Forum Topics Unclaimed monies
Added 4 weeks ago

Strawpeople might want to check to see if they have any unclaimed monies with their state's revenue office, in Victoria it's

I recently checked and discovered that Link (now MUFG) hadn't returned $15,000 to me after a capital raising in PGC I applied for way back in 2015! (I was applying for a bunch of them at the time, having at least one share in over 1000 coy's.)

Five weeks after sending in my application, the Revenue Office emailed me to say they require further POI before they can commence processing my claim(!) I also contacted MUFG to ask them (nicely) why the hell can't they just send me the $15k like they should have done 10 years ago? Their response was basically it's out of their hands, they've passed it on to the Unclaimed Monies office, but they'll be happy to send that office a covering letter upon payment of $50.

Since none of my details have changed (apart from phone number) in the last 10 years, I'd think I'd be entitled to interest of at least say 2% compounded over that period? Or should I just be grateful they didn't keep the money and not pass it on to Unclaimed Monies?


Added 4 weeks ago

@RogueTrader luckier than me, i found $3000 div from 1988, i hadnt cashed, it had just sat there. unfortunately, at that time i was renting (not lease holder) with no way to connect me with the $$$. so extra tax i guess.


Added 4 weeks ago

@Solvetheriddle was that recently you found out about your 1988 divvy? I should think you'd be able to collect that (not sure what renting or not has to do with it tho.)


Added 4 weeks ago

You need proof of residence or something more than a name, a work colleague found it about 10 years ago, maybe I should have a go now I have some more time ????


Added 4 weeks ago

I thought I would give it a crack. Seems the website has been down for maintenance for the last two days? Or is that just me?


Added 4 weeks ago

Each state has a website and search engine. NSW is through revenue NSW

and federally it's through ASIC

I think the ATO might have one also.


Added 4 weeks ago

@Solvetheriddle depends how much the $3k means to you :) You'll need certified copies of your licence and passport (at least that's what they demanded from me.) Personally I think Link/MUFG should owe me interest as well, since they held my $15k for 10 years without bothering to let me know. God knows how much they're holding of other people's money - many millions I would assume.