Interesting to note ASIC have gone after two listed companies for their lack of sustainability related risks. This has been a hot topic for a while since ASIC adopted the International Sustainability Standards Board charter:!page=1&search=sustainability
This is the exact market AER are looking to target with their new Climatics software. Measuring physical climate risk and assisting customers in converting that into the new reporting standards.
@Macca571 Just a very illiquid company. No news.
Annual report shows top 10 shareholders have ~60% ownership. Only 50 odd holders with less than 5000 shares so if you are only selling a small parcel it is a very small market.
Disc: Held in RL and SM
This could have an impact on AER plans. Need to have a closer look
Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, and CBA have launched a joint public-private sector initiative that will examine the potential impacts of climate change to the finance sector.
After reading the annual report (which I thought was well presented) I am left with some questions.
”Having historical hazard data at a very detailed geospatial level allows us to calculate short-term risk in a very targeted way, particularly for impacts such as hail or tornados that other modelling cannot simulate.”
This statement gives the advantage that Aeeris has in Australia but do they have access to the same data for overseas to enable large scale expansion?
“Aeeris has built an expert team to create the first geospatial platform for modelling and forecasting actual climate risks based on granular historical data. The proprietary dataset and our team’s combined expertise covers climate science, meteorology, risk analysis, forecasting, alerting, IT and GIS applications.”
Does the Australian market have a big enough TAM for substantial growth? RAC in WA uses UBIMET an Austrian based firm with global aspirations. How does the company apply its proprietary skillset to overseas data for large scale growth?
Interested in thoughts.