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6 years ago

Hi Strawman, thought I'd suggest 2 changes to the forum format:

1. can the latest post be at the top of the page and...

2. add the ability to like a post

Just a thought....Jimmy


6 years ago

Hi Jimmy -- a agree we need a better forum plugin. We've added it to the to-do list

6 years ago

Hi Strawman.  I think you'll be able to work out who I am from the very cryptic clues I've left in my profile.  I have been following you since the TI days, before MF.  I was always of the opinion that MF didn't suit you and your style, for a number of reasons.  You always struck me as a value investor with an eye for growth, and I thought you were trying to incorporate some of those elements into DI - which worked some of the time too.  We didn't always agree, but I always had a high opinion of you as a person, and as an excellent communicator.  I always felt that education was more your calling - rather than stock picking necessarily.  I don't think there are new things to discover in investing, in terms of process.  It's all been done before.  The trick is to find what works and filter out the rest.  The trouble these days is we have too much information, and most of it is just noise - and distracting noise at that.  I like the idea of this site.  I'm not sure yet if I'll get involved much.  Probably not.  Not yet anyway.  But I wish you all the best and I think this venture should do well.  

[Happy to see nobody signs off with annoying catch-phrases, so I won't either]


6 years ago

Hi Bear77 -- good to hear from you, and thanks for helping us test out the system. I agree with much of what you say, and it's great to have a someone bring a different perspective to the process. Expecting to see some solid track-records develop from the community!

6 years ago

Welcome! Thanks for joining the Strawman beta -- I trust you'll find it a great place to source new ideas and engage with other serious private investors. Please excuse a few rough edges (and maybe the occassional bug) as we optimise and refine the platform during the beta phase. And make sure to share thoughts and feedback, it helps us make Strawman the best that it can be.  


6 years ago

Thankyou! Will add that to the list


6 years ago

Not yet, as we are currently implementing a big UI overhaul. It is on our to do list though. Please bear in mind that we don't have any personal detail on the site, and the worst thing a nefarious agent could do is make a comment or add a recommendation without your consent. And we can always reverse that if we needed. It's not an ideal solution, but at least workable for now

7 years ago

What's up with this market, eh? Starting to feel late stage bull market if you ask me..


6 years ago

Very true. My focus will stay on the businesses themselves; get that part right and the bigger cycle won't worry me too much