Forum Topics Bug Reports
6 years ago

Also - name changes.  Today we had GCS start trading as SRG with their new company name being SRG Global.  GCS is still showing on my scorecard as an open position.  SRG is not.  Likewise Brain Resource - BRC - have now changed their name to Total Brain and their code has changed to TTB.  Does your system make these changes for you automatically, and is just slow, or do you have to do them manually?  It's important to note that it's not fair to close a position in such a company and leave it up to the member to choose whether to open one under the new code.  This should be treated exactly as it is in a real life portfolio.  The names and codes change, but the holding remains.  There is nothing voluntary about it.  


6 years ago

Hi Bear77 -- name changes happen automatically, but it can take 24-48 hours before the change bubbles through the Morningstar feed. By the looks of it, your scorecard has been updated with the new names/codes. Let me know if i've missed something.


6 years ago

Yes - I see that it's all updated this morning, thanks.

6 years ago

Agreed -- it's very frustrating. 

The issue stems from the way Morningstar treats these things. When shares return to normal settlement, the issue should clarify (eg Dec 3 for LPE). Of course, that's not good enough and we have a fix that we plan to implement in the coming weeks.

Thanks for your patience

6 years ago

Right you are -- we'll add it to our enhancements list.  For the record, your scorecard will always give the average return of ALL postions (open and closed), otherwise you dont get the benefit (or cost) of past recommendations.

6 years ago

Thanks for that. We'll be adding a new forum plug-in soon, which will address these issues