Forum Topics Changes to Stale logic -- why have the company rankings changed!?
6 years ago

I'm a big fan of the new changes. I think it makes complete sense to rank the latest and most "upvoted" info higher.

Speaking for myself, I always look at the age of the valuations and straws when reading them, particulalry valuations, as something posted 8 months or 12 months ago may not be very relevant any more when a reporting season or two has gone by.


6 years ago

Thanks Auropal. We'll continue to make the algorithm better over time, but the general philosophy should remain unchanged.

6 years ago

Yeah - OK - fair enough Strawman.  I did not realise that button was there to allow for reactivation of stale straws.  It looked like a "Refresh" button, which I guess it is in a way - and I didn't give it much thought before I got my grumpy on.  Maybe a little more timely communication at the time of the change - when all of the notifications were hitting us - would have been preferable.  I've reactivated all those "stale" straws this evening - that's 15 minutes of my life I'll never get back - and I deleted most of my valuations yesterday when I was still grumpy.  I've built a bridge now, and got over it.  


6 years ago

Poor communication and planning on my part, apologies for that Bear77. A good lesson for when we roll out the next enhancement. Onwards and upwards!

6 years ago

Thanks for the feedback.

The issue we have is that some people create accounts, add a bunch of content, and then disappear forever. If we don't age the content, then we eventually have a load of outdated and useless content that clutters up company reports.  We are taking a lead from Reddit here which also adds processes to ensure its threads remain current.

Because we have enacted this change, all of the notifcations have come through at once, but typicallly you wont see this. We've also doubled the time frame over which content goes stale. (it now remains active for 6 months).

You do not need to alter anything to reactive a valuation or Straw, just hit 'update' for valuations, or hit the associated icon on straws to reactivate (the circular arrow icon). So you dont need to add a space or anything similar -- literally just a mouse click.

Also, we NEVER delete content, even if you take no action for 10 years, your valuations and Straws will remain on your personal report page. They just wont be ranked and displayed on the all members page if stale with no active votes.

Also, all votes will be retained if you re-activate a valuation or straw without making changes (but votes will also age eventualy to ensure we maintain an effective ranking).

I understand some of these changes will be frustrating at first, but our goal here is to avoid the jumbled mess of feeds and comments you see on other forums. When you visit a page on Strawman, we're keen to ensure that users see the most relevant, current and endorsed conetnt first.

Of course, we're continually refining the platform to make the system as good as it can be. Sometimes that will involve a 2-steps forward, 1-step backwards approach, but in all cases we're watching our analytics closely, and actively listening to the feedback of members to ensure we get it right. So thanks again for your thoughts, we really do take notice and will look to further change things if necessary.


6 years ago

One more thing, although this requires a bit of added effort for users, we think it's a valuable reminder to ensure your investment thesis is still on track. We think 6-months is about right given the ASX reporting cycle and the typical pace of change. As you say, often nothing will have changed, and if so it's just a mouse-click to re-activate and you're good for another 6-months. But if it has, it's an opportunity to adjust any thoughts or assumptions. We hope this is just as valuable to you as it is to others who are following your work. Of course, we could be totally wrong, and will look to adjust if the analytics or feedback does not support this thinking

6 years ago

You may have noticed today (14/3/19) that a bunch of companies changed rankings, some of your positions were marked as a pending close, and a few other things.

The reason is that we have tweaked the logic that determines when valuations, straws and recommendations go "stale" -- a feature we introduced to ensure content remains relevant, and inactive accounts don't unfairly impact ranking, among other things.

We'll provide full details for the upcoming weekend update, but just wanted to test it out in a live environment before we commit to the change.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please be sure to reach out.



6 years ago

Sorry - don't like this change at all Strawman. Especially the "stale" valuations. What's the "logic" behind that change again? I don't have the time to fix the 50-odd notifications I got last night to say most of what I've posted here is now "stale". And "stale" straws now have to be modified to be made "fresh" again. Why? Many straws will be accurate over long time periods. Others might not be. I had to "like" my own straws before to get them off the "stale" list. I can't even do that now. I have to edit them and add an extra " " (space) or something useless - to get them off the "stale" list. And then - everyone who had "liked" (or voted "up" on) the straw is wiped - because the straw has now been modified so the count resets back to 1. Expect much less (or no) involvement in Strawman from me from now on if you keep making changes like this. Life's too short.