Forum Topics Does Performance inc. Dividends?
2 years ago

Hi @Strawman

This may have been answered elsewhere, but I cant seem to find something to find a definitive answer. But does the % return shown for our portfolio, and next to our holding, allow for dividends? I assume it does, but just wanted to clarify. If so, is there a reason why the all ords was chosen as a benchmark against our portfolio, when the all ords return doesn't include dividends paid by the companies?



2 years ago

Absolutely @Vandelay

Dividends are reinvested (with any residual amount granted as cash). We use the ASX300 ETF as the benchmark (ASX:VAS), and dividends are reinvested with that too.


2 years ago

Sorry I don't know why I thought it was all ords. Makes sense! Cheers for the quick response.


Yes that’s it, no idea when it will resume from trading halt though, taking a long time!


5 years ago

All good things to those that wait! ???? seems like a sound thesis, best of luck


5 years ago

Sorry for ???? Text editor doesn't like emojis, apparently!


No problems, thanks again. Yes I thought you might like to know if potentially some of the very rare cases like this don’t automatically flow through correctly. It might be hard to detect every possible little quirk in the system if the users don’t occasionally give you the heads up. From the sounds of it though the system will likely handle this one.



5 years ago

It'll definitely be a good test! Just to confirm, is this for ASX:USR?


No worries strawman I’ll keep an eye on things and how they flow through after the data source change comes in next month.

Just one other question, is your expectations capital returns should also flow through in a similar fashion? My weird stock list just so happens to have one that has gone ex and paid out half the market cap in a capital return. Might still be a few days away from resuming trading though so wondering if the system handles stuff like this.





5 years ago

It *should* but there are sometimes exceptions to the rule. Definitely let us know if it doesn't flow through as expected. And maybe give it a few days after ex to be sure it is processed by Morningstar (their contract specifies a 48 hour window). The hard thing about system design is that although 99% of things are straightforward, it's the 1% of rare occurrences that represent the big challenges! Anyway, it's a huge help when our users point out issues like this, as it helps ensure we plug all the possible gaps. Keep us posted! (And please feel free to email me at if urgent).