Forum Topics IRI IRI Integrated Research Ltd General Discussion
2 years ago

I sold out of IRI a few years ago in the mid 2s, and haven't been following the company since. I had no idea it had fallen this far from the market's good graces! While I am mildly interested again, like Andrew said, it skews more towards a value trap.

2 years ago

I just noticed @Strawmans post on the downgrade for IRI. I jumped into IRI about 12 months ago thinking they were cheap on an historical PE bases. I sold IRI not long after. when I saw the declining ROE story. I don’t really know what’s going on with this business and haven’t followed it since I sold, but the trend doesn’t look good for ROE. This poses the question…is IRI losing it’s competitive edge?



@Rick yes doesnt look good. the lesson i take from this, and not only this but others, A2m for eg, is that if a growth stock has a surprise downgrade which you cant really work out the reasons, they dont really make sense, the best course is to get out until you can work it out. it overrides any value argument because the downside is too much. same with corporate governance issues.

3 years ago

Feeling pretty good about selling out of Integrated Research at $1.36 -- even though it locked in a 28%-odd loss.

Nothing to crow about given the overall result, but pretty pleased with myself in terms of process and overcoming my anchoring and endowment biases.

The conviction was just no longer there. When in doubt, get out!

(Now watch it double from here...)


3 years ago

Hey @Strawman,

something I really appreciate is your openness and honesty on this forum. For an amateur learning the ropes it’s encouraging and refreshing to read that not all your investments are successful and that you’re subject to cognitive biases just like the rest of us. Of course no investor has a 100% strike rate but whether they’re willing to disclose it to the masses is another thing. So thank you.


3 years ago

Show me an investor who hasn't made any mistakes, and I'll show you a fraud :)

The real question is what stocks I still hold will turn out to be mistakes! Guaranteed that there are more than a few...

3 years ago

Two Directors purchasing today (23/02/2021)