Forum Topics Acute August Anxiety - Retail (investor) Therapy
5 years ago

As a general comment (not related to any above) -- as investors we should buy when the price goes below a rational appraisal of fair value (with an appropriate margin of safety). That's what defines shares as cheap; not the fact that they are below previous highs. EG. Shares in XYZ could drop 50% and still be expensive. Don't buy just because shares are down. Buy because they represent value in the context of expected future cash flows. 

5 years ago

Assuming the market avoids this becoming chronic, what’s on people’s shopping lists?

What companies are people looking or hoping to buy at reduced prices this week or this month?


5 years ago

I'd love to get Wisetech, Appen, Audinate, Xero but have long avoided due to concerns over price.


5 years ago

I'm looking at a few quality names - as in quality management with proven track records - such as ARB (down over $2/share within the past 2 weeks), COH (down from $223 to around $210 in 2 days), and MND (down from $19.40 to around $17 in 2 weeks despite a major new contract announcement during that time). If the carnage continues, the stocks that were priced for perfection will have further to fall, particularly the ones that were priced off future potential rather than current earnings. Those that have proven track records of profitability and sound capital management - with good management teams - and little or no debt - will survive this better than most I would expect.


5 years ago

If it turns into a proper downturn I'll be looking for real deep value picks. I remember listening to a podcast with Toby Carlisle who was saying while people often "upgrade" thier portfolio this leads to inferior returns. It makes sense to me the truly undervalued companies net-nets etc will be the ones no one wanted when the market was all G.