Forum Topics How to contact or send a message to another Member
5 years ago

We don't presently have this functionality -- but it's on our wish list for future enhancements.


3 years ago

G'day Andrew,

Just giving this one a bump. Not sure if it has been investigated since this post or discussed in the Nest Strawman Update Suggestions. But it would be great to be able to contact members directly.

Well aware this would need to be done in line with the Community's Values and Code of Ethics, but wouldn't mind being able to have a direct message 'forum'/function through the SM platform.

Happy for others to weigh in on this with their thoughts on whether it would be beneficial or not.



3 years ago

Oh yes, private messaging was something we were considering but to be honest we've not done any work on it yet. The platform and the focus has changed quite a bit from 2 years ago, but we'd definitely look to add this if there was enough interest.

In the meantime, I'm happy to facilitate any private communication if you send me an email. (


3 years ago

I think it should be one of the things at the top of the list to add, I know with twitter it is an invaluable tool.