Forum Topics Tracking losses
5 years ago

Just wanted to say this has been an excellent website to assist in visualising what my portfolio losses would have looked like had I followed the well researched and sound investment thesis of holding through all circumstances.

Luck was on my side and I sold all of my positions on the 24th of Feb and flipped it all in to a geared inverse ETF. Unfortunately I was only given the option through my Superannuation fund to switch into cash.

I'm well aware that continuing this type of behaviour will statistically lead an investor to major losses over their investment lifetime and I'm an advocate for DCA investing.

Well done to those who have had the mettle to hold their positions through this unprecedented market shock; I hope the turnaround is just as swift.

I look forward to adjusting my valuations on companies in the future but for now I don't see much value in using the valuations on this website as they are mostly based on forward earnings during one of the greatest bull markets in history. I doubt many will change their valuations at all.


5 years ago

Nicely timed umop3pisdn, well done. The Strawman community is a broad church, and I'd encourage users to prosecute their preferred investment style -- whatever that is. (except for day trading, and only because we dont yet have intra-day market pricing). We all "push our own barrow", but community endorsement (votes) and scorecard performance provides accountability and credibility to those that earn it. Moreover, it hopefully provides a broad range of perspectives for other investors, and enables them to better evaluate the quality of information they encounter on the site. To your point, I'd certainly encourage members to edit their Valuations and update Straws if they now have different perspectives. The company reports aren't intended to be a static record, but a rather a shared investment journal that evolves as new information comes to light. Don't do it as an act of charity, do it because maintaining a working investment diary and regularly updating valuations is an insanely good process for improving one's own decision making and results. I know we cant yet to go to cash with the existing scorecards -- which were originally intended just as a record of general recommendations -- but, if that's what you want to do, you can still close recommendations on your scorecard. You'll also be able to trade inverse ETFs within a month or so of release. Good luck to all. Will be keen to see how members approach this bear market.