Forum Topics Bond yields and asset (share) valuations
4 years ago

Given the RBA has initiated the follwing measures:

1) Reduction of cash rate to 0.25%. This rate in not expected to move for an extended period of time, given unemployment is likely take years to recover.   

2) RBA purchases of Govt. backed securities to acjieve a medium term bond yield of 0.25%

3) RBA provided funding to banks at 0.25% to support credit to small / medium sized businesses to a value of up to $90 Billion. 

So, given there are virtually no returns to be had in govt back bonds, what will this do to stock asset valuations?    Will money be chasing 4-5% returns in the sharemarket in the medium term?  Should DCF's be discounted to 4-5% rather than 10%?   Interested to hear opinions on asset valuations going forward, 


2 years ago

You were well ahead of the curve here!