4 years ago

They are getting regular coverage in "The Market Herald", @CA, here are some examples:





It looks like that online publication has agreed to do one story per fortnight on DW8.

Lots of interest on hot copper with the most popular thread on HC titled, "4.5c Share Price Target By July 2021".  They closed up +45.45% today at 1.6 cps, so there are some who seem to think there's another +181% upside from here (to reach 4.5c within the next 13 months).  

While today's move was absolutely huge, the stock did also rise +37.5% 12 days ago also (on June 10th), and they also rose +10% on Friday (19th) and +11% last Wednesday (June 17th) so there's plenty of buying interest there, and clearly plenty of hype as well.  At the moment, there are 164.6 million shares on the bid side (i.e. buyers), but only 12 million on the offer (seller) side, so the buyers appear to outweigh the sellers by a ratio of almost 14 to 1.  While this one has clearly gone parabolic, it could clearly go higher if that buying pressure is sustained, particularly if the sellers keep thinning out.  It looks like a trader's dream and I'm personally not interested without some fundamental reasons to believe the company's IV (intrinsic value) is higher than the current share price.  Gravity could get switched back on at any time, such as if the company gets a speeding ticket from the ASX and says they have no idea why the share price has increased so far, so fast.  I can see this one falling back down just as fast when the bubble bursts, but I have no idea when that might occur.  It could keep going north for a while yet.  If you're going to ride this one, keep an eye on the bids and offers, and watch out for announcements and media coverage as well.  There are plenty of people ramping it clearly, but that might go on for a while yet, or it might all end tomorrow.  I just don't know.


Thanks for the response. I don't own and I'm steering clear of this one. It will be interesting to see how it plays out as it is an intriguing company.


Can anyone explain why DW8 would be up 40% on no news? It's not even like they're a profitable company.

Is it normal for purchases of $8,000, $10,877, $7,500, $22,500, $10,948, $9,957, and $11,200 to be going through on a penny stock in one day with no news?

I've noticed this stock is getting pumped hard on FB groups and am concerned it's a pump and dump (not that I can do anything about it).