Forum Topics Formating

What's the best way to format forum posts?

I type them out nice and neat with separate paragraphs but when they post it ends up a wall of text. Is anyone else having this issue?


4 years ago

Yes - if you copy and paste from another source, you will almost always get the formatting removed, including paragraphs, bold words, lists, etc. I usually just reformat everything manually. I haven't found another method that works consistently. Sorry. Also, I find that typing directly into the text box works best - rather than pasting - if possible. It IS getting better - things were worse - I used to find that all of my valuations had all of the formatting removed even if I HAD typed them directly into the site's own text boxes, but that doesn't happen any more. Something I did note was that when I had a little whinge a while back about some sections having a spell-checker function and other sections NOT having one (within the site or app) Andrew replied that the spell-checker was actually provided by our individual web-browsers, not by the site itself, and different browsers handle different text boxes within in different ways. So, with that in mind, it might be worth trying to use a different web browser to access, and see if that makes a difference. I.e. if you're using Firefox, try Google's Chrome. I always use MS Edge, the latest version, which I think is called "Edge Chromium" and is more similar to Google Chrome, and it doesn't give me too many issues, EXCEPT that whenever I copy and paste into a forum or straw I lose all the previous formatting and have to fix it all up manually, but once I do fix it up, it stays fixed when I post it.


Interesting. I get the exact opposite issue with Firefox. Copy and paste and format is near perfect. Type directly into this box and it's a wall of text.


4 years ago

I haven't tried using Strawman with Firefox recently. Try Chrome perhaps? What about typing into a Word doc, then copying it from that and pasting it into Strawman using Firefox? Could that work?


I get perfect formatting copying and pasting. It's when I type directly into here I have trouble but then again my previous post in this thread was fine. Now it seems to be working fine... odd.