Forum Topics New features
4 years ago

Hi Strawman,

Feature idea - Market capitialisation (and potentially other similar information) shown on company pages. Maybe it's only the way I look at a company but it would be handy to have the market capitialisation of a company on the company page. I think it would provides context to the users straws such as the size, P/E  and other quick valuation/multiple metrics to see if the company warrants further investigation. At the moment I browse Strawman with my broker or asx website up to help provide the context.



4 years ago

Hi Dominator,

Earlier on in Strawman their was some additional company info available via the platform itself.  It changed when another data provider was engaged to facilitate the share-based portfolios we now have.  Strawman advised their were prohibitive costs to also then display additional data that is available for free from Google finance or your broker.  Good trade-off in my opinion for the new system.  But probably the sort of thing that could change year to year.  Would be handy to be able to do even more research remaining on-platform!


Pablo E. Bruh



4 years ago

Thanks Pablo. I thought the expense was the likely problem if it had been considered.


4 years ago

Yeah would love to add more company info in the future. It's just a question if cost, time and priority.

Given our current pipeline it won't be soon, but hopefully one day!

4 years ago


Gotta start by saying that I'm loving the changes and improvements that have been added. Seeing trades of people you are following is an excellent addition.

Are there plans to have an alert or notification when someone you're following makes a trade? That would be useful as currently I'm regularly checking people I'm following for activity. The Home page is great for straws and forum posts but the trades I need to go digging. It would also be beneficial if the alert could be toggled on or off.


4 years ago

Thanks umop3pisdn! Definitely have plans to enhance notifications. We're a super small team and have some other features coming down the pike first, but it's certainly on the list.


Pattyboy - I don't think you're suppose to create straws for that, I believe that's what the forum is for.


4 years ago

I am of the opposite opinion. I think comments below straws and valuations would just make it hard to read straws, because there would be a series of comments to wade through. That sort of thing is better suited to the forums and every company already has a forum set aside for it. We already have the ability to give a thumbs up or thumbs down to a straw or a valuation. If you want to discuss it further, take it to the forum. If you have an opposing opinion, take the time to post a straw. It's not going to make it any easier to find relevant content by adding comments to everything.

4 years ago

Hi all, a quick note to let you know we uploaded some changes to the platform this afternoon.

The most important if which were new URL structures and content rich activity feeds for profile activity pages (plus a host of small fixes).

The first means that we now have sensible web addresses for the various pages across the platform. Eg your profile page is simply

EG2. The link for the Pointerra company page is

If you have any links to your profile on social media or elsewhere, you'll need to update it. But hopefully this will make sharing links to specific pages much easier.

You will also see the actual Straws/valuations/forum posts that a user has generated by visiting the activity tab on their profile page. You can filter for specific things, and it should make it much easier to see what other people have been doing.

Let us know if you spot any issues. Once bedded down, we'll get started on the next round of improvements.


4 years ago

ah yes, well spotted. We'll get this sorted ASAP!


4 years ago

Hi SecAdmin, A company's rank is based on the total dollar value held across all member portfolios. The more people that hold a stock, and the greater the value of that holding, the higher it will rank. This is what the 'recommendations' sort refers to, but we will change this heading name -- it relates more to our old scorecard system (before we had virtual portfolios), so I agree it's a bit confusing.


4 years ago

I agree. Will be giving users the option to see straws by either votes or recency