Forum Topics New ASX website
4 years ago

Has anyone tried using the new ASX website 'upgraded' over the weekend?  I primarily use it to access historical announcements (particularly those over 5 years old which aren't often kept on company investor centres).  It's a complete Barry Crocker.  You used to be able to access announcements by year in just one click.  Now you have to trawl through page by page to try and find what you're looking for, the date field doesn't include year which is completely useless, you can't change the number of results on a page, it has awful latency but that's not the worst of it.  The worst thing is you now can't access announcements over 5 years old making it harder again for retail investors over investment groups to keep a level playing field.


I'd encourage you to provide feedback to the ASX. Also, here's a link to a petition asking the ASX to restore access to announcements back to 1998.