Forum Topics Brave New World
4 years ago

I stumbled across this speech from the IMF managing director, Kristalina Georgieva.  She is advocating for a "New Bretton-Woods Moment" .

In the speech. she says:

"We expect 2021 debt levels to go up significantly – to around 125 percent of GDP in advanced economies, 65 percent of GDP in emerging markets; and 50 percent of GDP in low-income countries.

The Fund is providing debt relief to its poorest members and, with the World Bank, we support extension by the G20 of the Debt Service Suspension Initiative.

Beyond this, where debt is unsustainable, it should be restructured without delay. We should move towards greater debt transparency and enhanced creditor coordination. I am encouraged by G20 discussions on a Common framework for Sovereign Debt Resolution as well as on our call for improving the architecture for sovereign debt resolution, including private sector participation."

Intersted to hear thoughts on this....




4 years ago

It sounds to me like they (the IMF) are trying hard to AVOID "Sovereign Defaults". With interest rates so low - and negative in some places, it's the ideal time to restructure debt, particularly for countries who might be at risk of defaulting on their debt if they do not restructure it. Same principle as moving your home mortgage to a lender with lower interest rates, but obviously on a much bigger scale. Not sure how that "private sector participation" might work. Perhaps Apple could provide some refinancing and potentially end up with an even better tax haven than Ireland or the British Virgin Islands down the track?? Or am I being too cynical...?