Forum Topics Recovery Trades
3 years ago

Commsec ~ Trades under $500.00

A while ago there were some post here on SM RE not being able to put through SELL trades for shares under $500.00. Just to let you all know that I have recently sold 2 xlots of 'unmarketable parcels' (holdings worth <$500.00), by just placing the trade on the Commsec site aka I didn't have to ring them.

So if you want to get rid of yours, then try the same & good luck...


4 years ago

Tuesday 10-Nov-2020:  Here's a small excerpt from Marcus Padley's "MarcusToday" EOD (end of day) email today:

MARCUS STRATEGY - What a week - Trump gone, the adults back in charge of the US and, as if that wasn't enough, now we (appear to) get a vaccine that solves Biden's and the World's worst worry - tackling the virus. Pandemic over? There are always finger waggers when we get good news (there may be legitimate vaccine developments/delays we are not factoring in) but there are also times in the stock market when you have to take a risk - and if this isn't it, then what is? Chickens don't make money. Good day for the Bulls and potentially, in the right cyclical and recovery stocks, today marks a multi-decade buying opportunity.

--- end of excerpt ---

And what have the punters been buying and selling today?


  • URW +43.55%, SCG +14.52% - Shopping Centres are sexy again?
  • LOV +24.70% - Traditional bricks-and-mortar store chain
  • EVT +21.43% - Cinemas
  • CTD +15.83%, WEB +13.55%, FLT +9.26%, QAN +8.33% - travel is back - apparently...


  • MMM -22.97%, TPW -20.56%, KGN -17.11%, RBL -20.04% - no more virus it seems.  Online stores and online service providers no longer needed?
  • NST -11.46%, SAR -11.45%, EVN -10.39%, RMS -13.25%, DEG -13.18%, SLR -10.97%, ALK -12.8%, BGL -11.41%, CDA -13.44% - no need for gold any more?  CDA produce the world's best ("Minelab") gold detectors, the others are all gold producers or gold project developers.
  • ARB -12.8%, BAP -9.2%, SUL -11.51%, CAR -4.69% - new consumer habits immediately abandoned - no need to spend money on cars, camping, fishing; everybody will now be flying overseas, no more Australian-based leisure activities.
  • ZNO -11.08% - long-lasting alcohol-free hand sanitiser and surface treatments of no further use (due to no more virus) ?

An overreaction perhaps?

Mr Market is rarely entirely rational.  That's how we benefit.  Mr Market is there to serve us.  Not to inform us.  We are always free to ignore him, and we usually should.

(Paraphrased from W. Buffett and B. Graham)

Here's something that does make some sense to me:

WPL +7.6%, BPT +14.8%, COE +10.94%, STO +12.18%, OSH +16.55% - the Energy sector is one of my personal favourite recovery plays - however, I got set before today.

Regarding whether it's all blue sky from here - I think that call might be a tad premature.  Positive, certainly, but expect further bumps in this road ahead.  It ain't over yet.