Forum Topics How to Edit a Straw
4 years ago

You asked, @mmff, so here's the answer:  To edit a straw,

  1. Locate the straw in the company section, not in the newsfeed.  The easiest way to do that is to click on the Straw's #title in the newsfeed ("Latest Insights") - which should take you there.  The newsfeed/latest insights is what you get on the "Home" screen - and although you can view your straws there, you can NOT edit them there, you need to edit them by locating that straw in the company section.
  2. In the top right hand corner of the straw there will be three dots arranged vertically - to the right of your username & icon.  Click on those three dots.
  3. If the straw was created by you, you will be given two options, being (1) Edit Straw, and (2) Delete Straw.  Click on "Edit Straw".
  4. Edit your straw.
  5. Once finished, scroll down and click on the big orange "UPDATE" button at the bottom.
  6. All done.

If you simply edit the Hashtag (title) of the straw, then any likes or dislikes you have should be retained.  However, if you make any other changes, the likes/dislikes (upvotes/downvotes) count will be reset to zero.  That is the reason why I never give you any upvotes (any votes) for your straws that are full of question marks where there should be dots (for bullet points).  I've been waiting for you to edit those straws to fix those errors.  If you copy and paste from a .pdf file (or some other file formats), any unknown characters will be displayed in your straw as question marks.  The most common ones are the hyphen ("-"), so "semi-annual" would come out as "semi?annual", and the dots at the start of each line of a bullet list.  Always check these before you save, and if you miss one or two, edit them quickly before you start receiving upvotes for the straw.  Hope that helps.


4 years ago

Thanks soooo much Bear77, as usual you have given me much more than I asked for. I'm sure your post will no only help me but also all the other members. Cheers mmff


4 years ago

One more tip @mmff - when you are editing a "copy & paste" company announcement - into a straw or forum post (this does not apply to valuations or forum replies which do not have the same toolbox of options), you will notice the box above your text box has a range of icons, starting with the "B" for bold and the "I" for italics. Obviously to make text bold you would use the mouse to highlight the text and then click on that "B" icon. Same deal for italics. You can use both bold and italics on the same text if you want. This tip refers to the third and fourth icons, which are the "numbered list" and "bullet point list" (or just bullet list) tools. When you have a bullet point list (or bullet list) in an announcement and you know the bullets (dots) are going to turn into question marks when you save, use the mouse to highlight the entire section that contains the bullet points and then click on the bullet list tool (the fourth icon, or second one AFTER the "I" for Italics). Then simply go through and remove the second bullets (dots) on each line, i.e. remove the ones from the original document, as they will likely turn into question marks - the ones that the bullet list tool has added (the first on each line) will stay as dots, so can be left as is. The next two buttons are for moving sections of either numbered lists or bullet lists to the right, or back to the left, which is for when there are sub-lists within lists, as you will often see in company announcements. One example of this is my "Quarterly Reports" straw for NST (Northern Star Resources) from 21-Jan-2021 - see here: You will have to scroll down through quite a few straws to find it - look for the date - 21-Jan-2021 and the "Quarterly Reports" title. You will see that NST have sub-lists within their bullet list - where they breakdown the results in term of each of their areas of operations. When I first used the "Bullet List" tool, everything was automatically aligned to the left, and I then used the 6th tool (the list with the arrow pointing to the right) to move sections of list to the right. This site will then designate a new pointer to each indented section, so a solid dot for the first level, an outline of a dot for the second level in, and a square for the third level, so that they stand apart from each other. Once again, remember to remove all of the dots that were copied across from the original announcement, as they will usually not be recognised by this site and will appear as question marks. Finally, the last two tools on the line are the "link" tool and the "unlink" tool, which are used for inserting links into your Straw or Forum Post, or to turn links back into normal text (i.e. remove links). I've explained how to use those tools here: