Forum Topics All New Community Ranking
4 years ago

We've just released some new features on Strawman to better recognise our top contributors.

The new Community Rank takes a holistic view of your contribution to Strawman, recognising not only your performance track-record but the value you bring to the community.

The better your returns, the more followers you attract, the more votes you earn and the more you engage with the content of others, the higher you'll rank!

Not only is it a useful measure of value, but it better aligns the incentives of the community. Moreover, we think the Community Rank helps contributors build status and and act as an aspirational target for others. 

The ranking updates every minute, so we'd love you to take it through its paces and let us know what you think!

Head to the members page to see the Community Rank.


4 years ago

I like the idea, but I find this very humbling, mostly because I have only put up ASX Announcements ( still not really confident to add many notes)and haven't done any valuations on the site. I think it should more lean towards the member's who are doing the calculations and adding their further research for the stocks, aka doing all the hard work! Meanwhile it's nice to even be on the list, but I feel I should be waaay down the list. I think this is a great site & I hope it keeps on keeping on Cheers mmff


4 years ago

No it's well earned mmff, and just a simple reflection of the votes you've been awarded by the community. In proportion to most investors, it's quite high in recent weeks and this skews things a lot on your favour. It also helps that you've outperformed the market. Our view would be that if the community didn't like what you've posted, you'd have a lot of down votes -- which you don't. And as people catch on to the importance of how voting works on Strawman, we expect the ranking to evolve. Down voting is anonymous and is just as important to us as an upvote when it comes to measuring the value of content. And with this system we want to make it as democratic as possible -- it's the community itself that determines what is and isn't valuable content. You also have to remember that of all the users on Strawman, a minority actively post content and not everyone votes. There's a very long 'fat tail' when it comes to votes awarded across the community. As people will see, a few well crafted Straws/valuations will go a LONG way to helping improve your ranking... (so you'll need to fight to retain the top ranking once we get into a groove!) All that being said, we've designed the algorithm with a few easy to adjust settings and will spend the next few weeks fine tuning how we weight the various contributions from users (voting, posting, performance, follows). Good luck!