Forum Topics Editing straws

Sorry if this has been covered before but just wondering what is the best way to make a small edit on a straw.

I was discussing RBL and had a ball park EBIT figure for the FY I wrote $80 mill but shoud have been more like $70 mil, it doesn't change for me the context of my discussion or valuation. Yet I preferred to correct the original straws I made.

The issue with that though is I am not sure if it is worthy of coming up on everyone's feed again moments later, and I am not sure if it wipes off everyone's votes on the straw? Is this the best way to edit something?


4 years ago

Hi @stevegreenycom -- any edits to a Straw or Valuation do delete existing votes (otherwise people could end up having voted on something they disagree with). We'll look to remove the original post from the feed to avoid duplication.


Thanks @Strawman, I get how it works now and think it makes sense to delete the votes for the reason you say. Maybe if a user is only making minor edits, especially like a trivial typo, it can be better sometimes to leave as is so I will keep that in mind. Although my editing the EBIT forecast here is kind of significant you could argue on one hand. However then again it was more about me trying to work out the noise in how currency movements might impact the nearer term numbers rather than a change in the long term growth prospects or how the market might rate it in the future.