Forum Topics Why I watch Stocks
4 years ago

Hi all,

Just wanted to let you all know why I post so many announcments,

I am not trying to get votes... I still dont even understand how they work & seriously I am not really that intersted,,,,although, yes I do clear them regularily, 'cause i don't like that "Red Circle" & my grandchild loves it...welcome to Facebook etc...

I have already posted I don't think that  I should be in the the Top 10 let alone in the Top 2!

I do this with my grand child & we are interested in any stocks that have good we post them... Mostly we try not to post stocks that others watch avidly, but if we step on any one's toes, then we are really sorry..

As I've said before , I ( and my grandchild) really like this site because of its friendliness...We both just love the Stock Market and "this site" so please just Bear with us,,,


4 years ago

Thanks for sharing @mmff. All good. I'll certainly Bear with you! How old is your grandchild? I don't have any myself yet. I turned 55 today and my eldest child turns 18 in May, so I have that to look forward to hopefully. Back to though, Andrew's algorythm is a bit of a black box but I gather there is a lot on input based on engagement, and you are one of the, if not THE most engaged member of the Strawman community, so you do thoroughly deserve to be rated #1. On top of your very high level of engagement (your own stuff plus votes on other members' contributions), you also have a pretty good positive scorecard result track record in the 5 odd months you've been with us. Over 10.4% in 5 months works out to be 25% over 12 months (annualised), which is VERY good. And you haven't done that with one or two superstar stocks, you've done that with a diversified portfolio - 24 stocks in it currently - which is further kudos to you, because that's not easy, it relies more on skill than luck in my opinion. So don't feel unworthy. Feel worthy, because you are. Own it! You DO deserve it.


4 years ago

Thanks Bear77...really sorry the "bear" really didn't it relate to you...We, me & my my grandchild, only realised how this could have looked well after it had been posted ( so we are both sorry) grand child doesn't want any details of them on this, or any other site... something I am really trying to instill into not doing as well (not being rude) but in today's climate, that's really hard. Surficed to say, I am really happy my grand child is interested in the stock market & if we can help any other "kids" to get involved with then how fantastic is that. So Bear77. I wish I could have done for my kids what you have done for yours ,...maybe I can do it for my grand kid( I hope I have more!!) Wishing everyone at Strawman nothing but the best mmff ( and grand child)


4 years ago

Hey @mmff. All OK? We miss you. Hope all is well. Perhaps you're on holiday? I'm heading off myself for a couple of days with the family this afternoon after this very busy month - February and August are always super-busy. Hoping to hear from you again here soon!


4 years ago

Hi Bear77 Thanks for your concern, I'm fine... I'm still here...haven't stopped posting, just paused....I've still been 'up ticking'. But I will putting up our announcements... I hope you and your family have a wonderful, well deserved break, Cheers mmff