Forum Topics TNC TNC Recent Drill Results

Okay, I did a bit more research on some of the holdings here - note the update on my other post in this thread (I am NOT sure whether the substantial buyers were insiders or not).  

Keiran Slee and Misty Grange Pty Ltd have been increasing their stake in the company at market rates. Keiran is a geotechnical engineer at Oz minerals - I don't know enough about Misty Grange Pty Ltd. 

Top Holders Grouped report available here 2020 -

Some People of interest

Keiran James Slee - Holding at 6 Nov 2020 -  6 000 000 Connected to mining. Purchased additional 857 655 around 18/02/21. Purchased additional ~800kish around 11/03/2021. 
GAPMAS HOLDINGS PTY LTD - Holding at 6 Nov 2020 - 4599 999 (I have read on hot copper that this is the husband/wife team that did much of the initial work - unsure if true - can anyone confirm?) - seem to hold more shares than this indirectly (up to 7 357 050)- - Does anyone have information on these guys? 
MISTY Grange PTY LTD - Holding at 6 Nov 2020  - 4 200 000 (might be lorraine Winsor) - Purchased additional 878 000 shares around 23 03 2021 
Terry Gallagher        - Holding at 6 Nov 2020 3 700 000 - (no idea)
I McAleese - Director (may have bought some, in IPO??)

Mr Eugene Iliescu & Jenenifer Iliescu - holding at 6 nov 2020 - 3 130 000 - many escrowed. (Eugene is managing director) - Some/most of these might be from being a director??? 

*May be errors, do your own research. 



Any thoughts on the recent drill results?

From what I could work out, they looked decent/promising, but nothing special or conclusive? 

Are you stalking this page yet Bear?


4 years ago

Hi Stuey727.  That link of yours (in your post) did not work for me - it generated an error on the "Small Caps" site.  However, I found the article you are referencing - and it can be found here:

Sorry, I do not follow DEX at all.  Way too speculative - even for me!  I used to invest in a bunch of story stocks like that when I was younger, but I'm older and wiser now.  If you're in it, hope you do well out of them, however the vast majority of explorers at that early stage never make it to production, or get bought out by anybody else.  They just keep raising money, and the only mining they ever do is mining their shareholders' wallets.  And then they go broke.  Or reinvent themselves as a promising biotech or fintech stock.  And around we go again.  This one might be that 1 in 20 that makes it, but I don't like those odds.