Forum Topics Broker Valuations and Reports
3 years ago


ASX Equity Research Reports

Please find this week's broker reports below.

Company Name, Broker Name, Report Type, Rating

Artemis Resources, Taylor Collison, Update, (Spec) BUY

Marley Spoon, Sequoia, Initiation, BUY

Capral Limited, Taylor Collison, Update, Outperform

Greenland Minerals, Euroz Hartleys, Update, HOLD

XTEK, Taylor Collison, Update, (Spec) BUY

[Click on the company name to access the report]

For any queries please contact

Due to feedback received, I will no longer turn these into straws.  I was not using them for valuations, however I understand that creating straws based on some of these broker reports also clogs up the feed, so I'll just post once per week to this forum feed with all of the week's free broker reports from the ASX Equity Research Scheme in the one forum post (i,e, one post per week just like this one).

I am a believer in quality over quantity, so my aim in future is to post less, but to try to make those posts good.  That will inevitably mean I will move down the community rankings due to less votes and less engagement, but that's fine because the rankings are a sideshow, they don't mean too much, certainly not to me anyway, and it would be good to let a few others enjoy the view from the top.  I've been there, it was nice, but it's time for me to move on now, and the only way is down.


Edit:  Three of those links above - to the broker reports - will not work - because they were to .pdf files through, and I can not locate their source locations to replace the links, so if you do want to access them maybe try trawling through the list at the ASX Equity Research Scheme pages, or contact the broker directly.  The ones to Artemis and Capral work because I was able to locate the source files and replace the links.  Perhaps I won't bother with this anymore either.  If you're interested in accessing these reports subscribe to the weekly emails (ASX Equity Research Scheme link two paragraphs up).


I don't think the feedback was directed at you Bear.


3 years ago

Perhaps @CanadianAussie, perhaps...  however the sentiment is that people want first-hand views rather than rehashed or repeated opinions from others, and I can understand that.  My own view/opinion on that is that while the quantity of broker target prices being posted as valuations was a little on the high side, some of the commentary that came with the updates was nevertheless interesting and useful.  Which is why I upvoted some of it.  I rarely downvote anything, but I have noticed it is becoming a popular pastime here of late for some.


3 years ago

HI Bear 77,

I am certainly one that would miss your posts, or anybody else who may now choose not to post as much.

We are a community that goes from the very novice to the very experienced, and while I appreciate that the more experienced on the site may not want all these posts,the novices  can learn so much about valuation ( especially if the poster adds notes), who the brokers are and maybe work out which ones they like, different companies to have a look at etc.

I personally try read every post, and I have learnt a lot from most of the posts, and I especially like how you do your posts and all the work you & every one puts in. 

