Hi @MUTLEY75, regarding your General Query straw, there are a number of ETFs that are NOT available to buy here for your Strawman.com virtual portfolio, and that is 100% due to the data provider (S&P Global, Market Intelligence division) not stepping up to the plate and sorting out some basic issues that they have. Until S&P sort that out, we can't add those ETFs to our portfolios here. Examples include the GOLD (physical gold) ETF, the Perth Mint ETF PMGOLD, and some recent new IPOs, like Swoop (SWP) that are not even ETFs - just normal everyday companies. If you look up the company and a share price graph comes up, then you can add it to your portfolio because there is pricing data available, however if the page comes up with no share price graph, or the code is not recognised at all, then you can NOT add it at this point.
Other options that ARE available include QAU, which is a currency hedged Australian Physical Gold ETF from Betashares, also MNRS, which is another ETF from Betashares that holds the largest global gold mining companies (ex-Australia), hedged into Australian dollars. The disadvantage of both is that they are both currency hedged so if the Australian dollar is falling against the US$ you don't get that extra boost that you should.
Further Reading: https://blog.stockspot.com.au/best-gold-etfs/
Another option - which you CAN add to your virtual portfolio here (and I have, along with QAU) is GDX, which is the VanEck Vectors Global Gold Miners ETF (including Australia) - for their current holdings, click here. They hold all of the major Australian, US, Canadian and South African gold miners, plus some listed in London and Hong Kong, and in the case of Australia they currently hold NCM, NST, EVN, RRL, PRU, SBM, SLR, RMS, GOR, WGX & RSG. They also hold OGC via the TSX and a few like AGG, SSR and KLA (who have secondary listings on the ASX) via their home exchange (being the NYSE in the US or the TSX in Canada).
Hopefully S&P sort out their issues and we get EOD pricing for the full range of ETFs and recent IPOs here soon.