Forum Topics Stocks that will change your life - "the call" list.
one year ago

I totally forgot about this, but its been just over 2 years since "The Call" show on ausbiz did this segment called "Stocks that will change your life". So each guest provided one stock idea which they believed could change your life (financially). 

Only 8 out of 21 (38%) experts picked stocks that had a positive return including the overlord @Strawman

This goes to show how hard it is to pick a life changing stock. This doesn't mean some of these wont turn out to be winners, but it does reinforce that with any stocks like these, the ride is bound to be a bumpy one. Also probably shows that you should do your own due diligence when buying a stock, do not blindly follow industry experts giving free general recommendations on a podcast.

All the following %'s are from the date first picked by the expert to today 23/8/23 and do not include any dividends. I've also rounded to the nearest % point.

  • Marcus Padley - POS - Poseidon Nickel (wasnt on the call. He named this as his "one stock portfolio" pick on his own podcast.) – v76% (since 6th of July 2021)
  • Henry Jennings - AXE - Archer Materials - 30/6/21 – v53%
  • Mathan Somasundaram - IGO - IGO - 5/7/21 - ^58%
  • Gaurav Sodhi - AD8 - Audinate - 5/7/21 - ^40%
  • Julia Lee - HZR - Hazer Group - 6/7/21 – v40%
  • Mark Moreland - EDIT (nasdaq listed) - Editas - 6/7/21 – v81%
  • Andrew Page (the strawman overlord) - AHC - Austco Healthcare - 7/7/21 - ^15%
  • Michael Wayne - ALC - Alcidion - 7/7/21 - v67%
  • Carl Capolingua - NMT - Neometals - 8/7/21 - ^3%
  • Jason Mcintosh - KSS - Kleos Space - 8/7/21 – v100% BANKRUPT
  • Rudi Filapek-Vandyck - AD8 - Audinate - 9/7/21 - ^40%
  • Claude Walker - EOL - Energy One - 9/7/21 – v38%
  • Robert Corlett - AMS - Atomos - 12/7/21 – v95% VOLUNTARY SUSPENSION since 28/2/23
  • David Novac - BCI - BCI Minerals - 12/7/21 - v52%
  • Gary Glover - PLY - Playside Studios - 13/7/21 - ^58%
  • Howard Coleman - CSL - CSL - 13/7/21 – v5%
  • Andrew Wielandt - QUAL - VanEck Vectors MSCI World ex Australia Quality ETF - 14/7/21 - ^14.5%
  • Mathan Somasundaram - BCT - Bluechiip - 15/7/21 – v50%
  • Ben Clark - PAR - Paradigm Pharmaceuticals - 15/7/21 - v68%
  • Jun Bei Liu - ARX - Aroa Biosurgery - 16/7/21 – v31%
  • Adam Dawes - CXL - Calix - 16/7/21 - ^41%


one year ago

Just for some context, I didn't realise it was meant to be a "life changing" idea until just prior to the show. I just thought Austco had some good potential. Wish i'd gone with Audinate instead!

100% agree with you @Vandelay in that it's usually not wise to blindly follow the "experts". I'm sure many of them will claim to have had stop-losses in place, or acted to take any interim profits :)


one year ago

Some of these folks are picking moonshots, and we know most of those crash and burn. Life changing, but not necessarily for the better :)

P.S. I didn’t even know this segment existed. I am way behind on “The Call” episodes (and I pick selectively based on who’s on). There’s just too much content to keep up, and I’m not a full-time private investor (though I sure wish I was one…just need a rich uncle to pony up the starting capital for it!).

P.P.S. Forget moonshots, it's hard enough to outperform with quality names!


one year ago

Don't beat yourself up too much @Strawman! AD8 has the benefit of reporting already, here's hoping AHC can do a +20% on Friday when they report!


one year ago

Good point -- fingers crossed!

2 years ago

Time flies, its been 12 months since "The Call" show on ausbiz did this segment called "Stocks that will change your life". Which is a rip off of the Marcus Today "one stock portfolio" idea. So each guest provided one stock idea which they believed could change your life (financially). 

The time they did this segment, was mid greed / euphoria. Its funny how sentiment has changed, and you can see in some of these results, ouch. Goes to show how hard it is to pick a life changing stock. This doesnt mean some of these wont turn out to be winners, but it does reinforce that with any stocks like these, the ride is bound to be a bumpy one.

All the following %'s are from the date first picked by the expert to end of day 6th of July. Ive also rounded to the nearest % point.

  • Marcus Padley - POS - Poseidon Nickel (wasnt on the call. He named this as his "one stock portfolio" pick on his own podcast.) - v52% (since 6th of July)
  • Henry Jennings - AXE - Archer Materials - 30/6/21 - v39%
  • Mathan Somasundaram - IGO - IGO - 5/7/21 - ^14%
  • Gaurav Sodhi - AD8 -  Audinate - 5/7/21 - v6%
  • Julia Lee - HZR - Hazer Group - 6/7/21 - v9%
  • Mark Moreland - EDIT (nasdaq listed) - Editas - 6/7/21 - v70%
  • Andrew Page (the strawman overlord) - AHC - Austco Healthcare - 7/7/21 - v31%
  • Michael Wayne - ALC - Alcidion - 7/7/21 - v65%
  • Carl Capolingua - NMT - Neometals - 8/7/21 - ^79%
  • Jason Mcintosh - KSS - Kleos Space - 8/7/21 - v56%
  • Rudi Filapek-Vandyck - AD8 - Audinate - 9/7/21 - v14%
  • Claude Walker - EOL - Energy One - 9/7/21 - v20%
  • Robert Corlett - AMS - Atomos - 12/7/21 - v72%
  • David Novac - BCI - BCI Minerals - 12/7/21 - v51%
  • Gary Glover - PLY - Playside Studios - 13/7/21 - ^100%
  • Howard Coleman - CSL - CSL - 13/7/21 - ^3%
  • Andrew Wielandt - QUAL - VanEck Vectors MSCI World ex Australia Quality ETF - 14/7/21 - v11%
  • Mathan Somasundaram - BCT - Bluechiip - 15/7/21 - v35%
  • Ben Clark - PAR - Paradigm Pharmaceuticals - 15/7/21 - v65%
  • Jun Bei Liu - ARX - Aroa Biosurgery - 16/7/21 - v42%
  • Adam Dawes - CXL - Calix - 16/7/21 - ^85%

Some smart people here with big winners and big losers (also some not so smart with big winners and big losers).  


2 years ago

@LifeCapital people need to keep in mind that The Call is not advice - they're just opinions. I admit it has been educational though. I have made some, and lost some based on the ideas on the show. People forget to DYOR!


I am not asking you to name names :). However I personally don't have a problem if people want to highlight specific names and funds and point out factual data that shows their underperformance. I actually think in cases where the underperformance is so clear and over very long timeframes, doing so can help others avoid such obvious dud investments. Otherwise others often fall for the slick marketing which dodges around stating the true performance figures.


I would even be very careful of 3 year numbers to draw conclusions, e.g. Frazis Capital fund 3 - year plus number might have looked good 12 months ago? If you invested in it a year ago based off that....

3 years ago

Just a very friendly reminder guys and gals - if you hit the reply button directly under the post that you want to comment on or reply to, it will make it SO much easy for the rest of us to follow. If instead you use the blue "Add New Post" button at the top of the thread (as I just did), your reply/comment goes instead to the TOP of the thread.

To be clear, using the "Reply" button still won't guarantee the position of your contribution, but it will ensure that your contribution will be positioned no higher than that point in the thread. It will either be placed there or lower if there are already other replies to the original post.

The point is if you use the "Reply" button, we will keep the posts in chronological order (i.e. in the order that they were added to the thread in terms of the day and the time). It does make things heaps easier to follow.

Replies getting added at the top because people have mistakenly used the "Add New Post" button instead of the "Reply" button is happening across most of the forum threads, so hopefully enough people see this and understand what I'm trying to say.

In summary, if replying or commenting, use the appropriate "Reply" button (directly under the post or reply to a post that you are wanting to reply to or comment on).

Or if you want to add something fresh - that is not particularly related to anything specific that is already in the thread - then use the blue "Add New Post" button and your post goes to the top, as all fresh posts do.

Additional: By the way, you can always edit forum posts and replies within forums and it will NOT change the position of the post or reply and it will also NOT change your upvote count (number of thumbs up received) - nothing will reset, which is great when you notice a typo, as I often do with my earlier contributions when re-reading them, as you can fix it quickly with no detrimental side-effects. However, if you do this with straws or valuations, your upvote count for that straw or valuation (thumbs up count) resets to zero. The reason for this has been explained by Andrew and it is that you could change an investment thesis or change your straw to say something completely different and that would not be what was voted on, hence the votes reset to zero whenever ANY edits are made, even minor punctuation changes, or fixing spelling errors. In theory you could also do this with a forum post (change it later to say the opposite of what you said earlier, or something substantially different), but I guess the argument is that forum posts can really be about anything, so are not necessarily going to be about the valuation and future outlook of a company, so are less important in terms of people using them to help them form a view on a likely possible addition to one of their portfolios. I guess. The thing about votes. They are not particularly important to me. It's nice getting some positive feedback, but it doesn't send me into a depressive state if I don't get any, or I don't get many. It is what it is. Doesn't really matter. The contribution is there. If people like it, good, if they don't, no skin off my nose. The point about votes is that there is SO much content that a high vote count is one way to filter what might be worth reading here. So a minor change to a straw or valuation that has 30 upvotes and then has zero upvotes as a result of a minor edit, can mean that most people will just skip past it when they might have got some value out of it. So that's the issue really. Don't really want that extended to the forums as well, and so far it hasn't been, so feel free to fix those spelling errors, or whatever you don't like (if anything) about your existing posts and replies to posts, coz at this point we can still do that with no penalties.

3 years ago

Thanks Luke, I'll be sure to do that :)
