Forum Topics Fund Manager Insights
9 months ago

Managed Funds - Income, Mutual & Investment Funds Australia (

Managed Funds for Australian Investors

Many Australians avoid investing in the stock market, afraid that it is an inherently difficult and stressful task. Unfortunately, their fear and inaction can leave them thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars behind their neighbours, colleagues, and family members.

Making your money work for you and achieving your financial goals via the stock market is easier than you might imagine. With managed funds, you can diversify and strengthen your investment portfolio, allowing yourself to create long-term wealth and an improved financial future.

Lincoln Indicators Managed Funds can cater for income, growth, or international diversification objectives.



9 months ago


All Cap Unit Class: 1yr 22.73% return

MER 1.25% ( if Tamim keep the performance up the management fee looks to be worth it. )

We use a bottom up investment approach that can be broken down into 5 steps:

Idea generation - ASX company news flow, broker research and company roadshows, news publications and social media forums.

Company research - We conduct a company analysis on its business model, industry structure and future catalysts.

Financial analysis and modeling - We are looking for businesses that meet our key investment criteria.

Management meeting and analysis -We look at management historical track record and alignment with shareholders (remuneration/incentives/shareholding)

Valuation and portfolio allocation – Each company is valued using a range of valuation approaches. Portfolio allocation based on margin of safety and financial strength of the business.

( Distribution Frequency - Semi - annual.)

TAMIM Australia All Cap | TAMIM Fund - Tamim Asset Management




12 months ago

Research like this comes out every so often and it always tells the same story -- "professional" investors usually lag the market.



AFR link here if you have a subscription.

It's worse over longer time frames:


Do it yourself, or go passive.

I don't need to pay someone 2%pa to lag the market when I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself :)


12 months ago

There's no moat in stock picking – just look at how much key man risk is embedded in the listed FMs* – and, even worse, outperformance is a zero sum game.

It's highly unlikely that anyone can ex-ante predict who will outperform. So the solution is to focus on distribution, not returns. MFG didn't go from 30c to $60 because Douglass was adding a couple of hundred basis points in outpeformance. The real secret sauce was working out how to market a product that could charge people up to 1.6% a year to put their savings in McDonalds shares.

And you are right @Strawman you can have more fun DIY underperforming than paying someone to do it for you. Lol.

one year ago


Conquering Confirmation Bias (

[Conquering Confirmation Bias, Behavioural Bias Series - Part 1, by Sam Byrnes]


Investing involves both art and science. The science aspect includes analysing a company's strategy, industry position, competitive advantage, future opportunities, and risks to determine its potential for generating returns on capital and cash flows, while taking into account the required return for the inherent risks. However, investing also involves the less tangible aspect of mitigating behavioural biases, such as Confirmation Bias. 

Confirmation bias refers to the tendency to seek out and interpret information that confirms one's pre-existing beliefs, while disregarding information that contradicts it. Any Wallabies supporter is very familiar with this bias, as every referee decision seems to go against us - although when playing the All Blacks they ACTUALLY do. 

In the world of investing, this bias can manifest as ‘falling in love’ with a particular stock, leading to over-investment without adequately assessing the risks. This can ultimately lead to significant losses. To mitigate this risk, ECP employs various strategies to ensure that investments are made objectively and with a clear understanding of the potential risks involved.

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Click on link above to read more.

Disclosure: I have no affiliation with ECP Asset Management (ECPAM) and I am not currently invested in any of their funds. I'm just on their (e)mailing list.






