Forum Topics Speculative Portfolio
3 years ago

Hey Guys, I notice Andrew selected my profile as one of the three featured in todays newsletter. I'm flattered, but it has also prompted me to start this topic just to make sure anyone has an understanding of the portfolio represented on Strawman. I have 2 distinct and seperate approaches. Away from Strawman, I have roughly 70% of my funds in a capital preservation portfolio, a range of top 100 companies and funds, happy with 5% - 7% growth. The other 30% is speculative, in the micro and small cap space, looking for companies striking growth and profit inflection points in markets of the future. High risk, but one or two big wins offsets the losses. You truly need to be prepared for high volatility, with many of my big wins dropping up to 70% from my entry point ( good work Quiltman! ) before the turnanround.

Strawman represents my speculative portfolio and needs to be seen by members here in that prism. 

Perhaps some mechanism for notating your portfolio approach on here would help other investors understand your choices when researching.



3 years ago

Good idea Quiltman, however we have this ability now, so we can add info like that to our home page that will appear directly above our portfolio and directly below our performance stats - where you currently have "Seeking market leaders in market niches that will, in turn, become mainstream markets in less than 5 years. Particular interest in turnaround stories where companies have little love, but they have discovered the gem in their portfolio that will reset the business on a high growth / profit path"

For those who do not know, that section can be added to or edited by clicking on the down-arrow at the top right corner of your home screen, next to "My Account" to access the My Account drop-down menu, then choosing "Account Actions" and then "Edit My Profile".  You can put anything you like there, including a description of your portfolio, or your investing style, or just something abstract and useless like I have.  There is a character limit, and if your description exceeds 3 lines there will be an "Expand/Collapse" option below the third line to allow the fourth line to be displayed.  Not sure why, as it takes up the same amount of room as simply displaying the fourth line all of the time would, but there you go...

I agree with you that a description of our investing styles and of the make-up of our portfolios would be helpful, and I have suggested in the "Strawman Member Backgrounds" forum thread that it would be great to have an "About" button on each of our home pages where we could add a page of text that describes all of that as well as what brought us to this point in our investment journeys - our background stories - similar to what many members have posted in that thread but easily accessable from each member's home page.  It's great reading but there are a LOT of us here now and it's going to get hard or at least time-consuming to locate a relevant bio in the future (from that forum thread) when we want to unless there is a link to that info from that member's home page. 

Maybe Upvote this post if you want Andrew to add that "About" button to our homepage to do what I have just described.


3 years ago

Well said Quiltman -- and very humble of you to say.

Context matters, and you're right to put those returns in the proper light.

At the same time, well done! It's still very impressive :)

And I agree Bear77. I think that's a great idea and will add it to our wish list.


Q-- I suspect that blended (core/spec) approach would be quite common for many of the "more experienced" members, but thanks for the disclosure.good luck