Forum Topics Data as a service (Daas) stocks to research
3 years ago

Hi @Kaboom,

So a well earned name if you write thorough and well informed responses like that! I think your new knickname should be "mic drop". 

AI development really does seem to have come a along in leaps in bounds. I really appreciated your thorough history. Do you hold Appen? My concern with companies that still use human sourcing extensively for data image compilation is that in essence it should become a redundant service. Machine algorithms as you say, should become smart enough to start intrinsically seeking confirmation within its own data. This was the reason my investment thesis broke down with Appen and I pulled the plug toward the end of last year. Hindsight it was good timing. I was also concerned about all the competitors - big boys such as google making them superfluous. I would be interested to hear others thoughts on Appen. I suppose you could argue that the MOAT is the extensive data that this company already has. It does take time to compile. 

I agree with Nearmap. I too am also a long term holder. It has been a rocky ride with active short attacks that are tiresome. The MOAT on this company is huge. It has a  lead time of years and years and massive database of flights and images. It would be very hard for newcomers to enter the market and compete. Drones just can't fly far enough. I think superior 3D camera capture tech will expand this MOAT further. Sure roof angles/ solar / infrastructure are the main goal for now but that data will be so valuable for an infinite number of applications. 

Now that takes me to why I love Pointerra. These guys are so aware of the valueable data that they have. Their data library is going to be a game changer. 

I imagine there are ETFs and thematics that compile Daas companies. I need to do some more research. 

I hold general RBTZ robotics Beta shares ETF and it is doing pretty well. Bundling the work of these companies may be worthwhile. 

Would love to here everyones thoughts!


3 years ago

that was fascinating! Thanks for your detailed reply.

3 years ago

Hi everyone,

I am really curious and would love to share ideas about companies that provide Daas. Obviously Mp1 (megaport) is an Australian equivalent. 

I would love to dig deeper into Deep mind, AWS and google stored with (Switch: US)  I am pretty new in exploring this area. AI needs to be stored in mass computer warehouses around the world. Companies involved In AI strategy plans around the world are the new gold rush. China actually called one of its infrastructure systems  "Sky net" are you actually kidding me!!! 

Four corners focus on AI enabled smart cities was eye opening. Facial recognition surveillance companies I believe will continue to grow. Human data scans eg. iris scans, cultural identification scans and emotion facial scans are here already . So much data. Whether you agree or not seems like the cat is out of the bag. Which companies will grow and benefit most? 

The flip side of the coin is the human rights implications. It is up to you as to whether you would individually be willing to  invest in these companies?