Forum Topics ARC ARC ARC Makes First Investment Under New Strategy
3 years ago

Looks like ARC has invested alongside some Luke Winchester bloke to launch a new fund. Not sure why it's market sensitive, never heard of the guy...

But seriously massive thank you to Andrew and Strawman community, my profile on here was one of the major reasons I have been able to take this next step. A long road ahead but I am confident of success with the backing of ARC and the Capital H team.

I have reached out to Andrew about whether this changes my activity on Strawman and at this stage I don't think it will, I have always loved putting research in the public domain to spark conversation and critique and I don't see why that would change just because it will be in a new structure.


3 years ago

Hi Luke (Winnie),

+$0.125 (27.78%)'s % at the moment...everyone on this sites knows you deserve nothing less... thanks for all your insights...onwards & upwards & THANK YOU for all you have given us , oh & PLEASE keep giving

