Forum Topics Inaugural Meeting Feedback
3 years ago

Fantasic first meeting. Great to get access to CEO's popular in the Strawman community, I think it works both ways we get the benefit of CEO Insight while they get access to an broad investor base enabling them to sell their story, which must be beneficial in the small and in SP3 space nano cap space. I especially enjoyed the Q&A session with Claude and Owen who I have followed for sometime. I know Marcus Padley runs an ask the analysis session with Henry Jennings and that sort of format to present some ideas on the small end of the market could be rally valuable for all. Love you Work Andrew. 




Is there a recording of the meeting anywhere? Guessing not?


3 years ago

There will be - under the "Meetings" tab at the top of the homepage - but give Andrew a little time to get it uploaded.


3 years ago

It's up now Stuey - see here.  Just click on the play button in the bottom left corner of the image of Kate Quirke.

3 years ago

thanks Andrew. 
as per previous posts, good mix of guests and content, well curated. About the right duration. 


did you ever watch drunk histories? Genius. 


3 years ago

Tried it twice (drunk histories), didn't really get into it either time, because it seemed like the presenters were already drunk and I was only pleasantly relaxed.  Sometimes when you watch people who have drunk too much, they tend to laugh at their own jokes too much or become a little cringeworthy for other reasons, but that never seemed to be the case with "In Vino Veritas" - although some episodes were clearly better than others.  Peter Hellier was better than I expected.  Judith Lucy was a riot.  Tom Gleeson was good value - we (my wife and I) saw him live on a comedy cruise pre-covid and he was a lot funnier than he generally is on TV - his is very quick witted, which comes in handy when you're doing live comedy on a ship full of people drinking like there's no tomorrow and there's copious amounts of heckling going on.  Anyway, probably getting off-topic a little too much here for the likes of most punters I imagine...

3 years ago

Thought I'd kick it off and provide some feedback to Andrew on the Inaugral Meeting.

Overall: Firstly - really enjoyed it, overall I found it very beneficial and informative. 

CEOs: Kate was amazing - we talked about the importance of management and we can see quite evidently why Alcidion has grown so much over the last 12 months.

Guests: Owen and Claude definitely need to come back, big fan of them both. Very informative discussions held. I liked that they offered stock pitches, this is something that isn't done that widely. Maybe could always introduce a watchlist topic too (?). But would love to have them back on, and more regularly if possible. Love a good Claude rant.

Timing: 2 hours is good, however I'd be open to 3. Timing may need to shift to later in the evening that's all. 

Would like to see more interactivity with those in the room, but this isn't a must. seemed to work well - I like that questions can be voted on. 

Look forward to the next meetings.


3 years ago

I liked the meeting structure. 2h with a couple of guests worked well.

The challenge though is having this meeting during "regular business hours".

It would be perfect if we could schedule after 5pm where most people are done with work.

Excited for the next one!


3 years ago

Pub Meetings at the present time may not be practical however as Claude clearly demonstrated with what looked to me like a decent German Beer mug, these things ALWAYS go better with a resposible quantity of alcohol.  Not sure how many of you are into comedy, but during last year, prior to his stint on SAS Australia, Merrick Watts was running a brilliant online comedy thing called In Vino Veritas (which translates to "In Wine lies the Truth") - here's a link to one sample episode with Tom Gleeson (warning: Over 18s only) but there are plenty of them and many of them have made it to YouTube now.  It was great to relax on a Friday afternoon with a glass of Australian Red while I was recovering from my hip replacement surgery and laugh until I cried, and then laugh some more.  My contention however is that most activities in life can be improved with the addition of sensible quantities of wine, beer, or your poison of choice.  Even meetings about sharemarket investing.

[if I'd been hitting the whiskey that might have been "investmenting", but that would clearly be taking it too far for this early on a Friday...]


3 years ago

Echo the thoughts expressed so far - was both informative and at times entertaining

For an inaugral meeting huge props to Andrew

A straight single 3+ hour stint might be too much - but I'd be very open to having the CEO sessions and the stock pitch and general investing chat sessions as separate things - I can easily see where the request for more time comes from however - I felt that the time with Owen and Claude could have gone much longer with more time to go deeper into the pitches (and with more time for counter argument and so on), along with more time for just the general investment, q&a, and informal banter - possibly watching the clock cut those conversations short



3 years ago

Just wanted to chime in around timing etc, overall I thought it was great, probably wouldnt suggest changing the format at all really. 
Regarding timing I think having a 3 hour meeting is ideal, sure its a long time but it can just be uploaded with timestamps for each segment etc and watch the recording. Much easier to find a single 3 hour slot to log in live than it is to find 2-3 sessions lasting 2 hours or so in my opinion.

Loking forward to the next one.