Forum Topics Mentor
3 years ago

Are there any experienced wise heads in the community that are willing to mentor a young up-and-comer like myself? Would love someone to overlook my ideas, valuations and help me understand the investing process on a deeper level.


3 years ago

I (also) highly recommend Rask Australia (brainchild of Owen Rask). They have an education page with free courses that will expand your knowledge and understanding. Was a great place to start for myself. 

You can find it here:


3 years ago

Thanks for the reply @Kaboom.

I am a 37 year old doctor from newcastle, I have degrees in engineering and medicine, but no formal training in finance, business, accounting etc. Everything is self taught through books and looking over the shoulders of great members on Strawman. I would love to form a mentor style relationship with an experienced investor, largely to oversee what I'm doing, get feedback/suggestions, ask questions, and teach me a few things along the way. The primary objective would be for me improve and hone my investing process, and to gain confidence in what I'm doing. However, in my experience in medicine, there is much to be gained on both sides of a mentor/mentee relationship. 


Hi bjbart


I'm in no position to mentor you but if you would like some help on how to find a mentor feel free to send me a message on twitter.


3 years ago

@CanadianAussie thank you so much. That would be wonderful. Let me sign up to Twitter and I will drop you a line.