Forum Topics The Call
3 years ago

Well done again @Wini on The Call today. Top class as always. It’s great to see someone so knowledgeable on the smaller end of the market. I always learn something from your analysis. So glad you’ve become a regular! Also appreciate you not forcing your personal ethical views when in comes to investing onto others unlike your co-guest. The ethical rants he subjects the viewers to are becoming tiresome.


3 years ago

I agree with Alpha18 as far as Wini's contributions to The Call and seldom come away without a company to at least have a look at. But not so much with the rest. Claude is absolutely and unapologetically at one end of an ethical investing spectrum and personally I welcome that. You don't have to agree but I struggle to cop the suggestion he's 'forcing' his ethical views or undertaking 'ethical rants'. I've never met Claude but I respect his ability to critically analyze and welcome the odd occasion that one of my holdings comes up when he's a guest because I seldom come away without considering something new. You do what you want and I won't criticize you for it but for me ethics/environment/social considerations actually do matter. The great thing about the stock market is that it gives me that choice. Claude Walker - five days a week ( less than two or three)!


3 years ago

Claude is absolutely entitled to his own view and ethical investing is very important to him - no problem. I make no criticism in Claude giving his own ethical view on a company.

But everyone decides where their own line is when is comes to ethical investing, you decide yours, I decide mine and Claude decides his. Claude doesn’t get to decide it for others.

He certainly doesn’t speak for most millennials either as he’s implied on more than one occasion. I don’t see how today’s opinion on WHC or his view on Aristocrat (when he was on with Jun Bei a while ago) can’t be seen as forcing his view onto others or a rant - that’s exactly what it was.

Everyone has their own views on ethical investing (not necessarily a black and white view of good or bad but more where their line is). I respect other’s views whether they agree with me or not and never force my views onto others. I expect the same courtesy in return.


3 years ago

Thank you mate, always appreciate kind words.

To peel back the curtain a little, I believe Ausbiz is looking to launch a new show dedicated to micro and small caps soon which I will hopefully find time to be a regular guest on also. It's a great initiative, anything to shed more light on undiscovered micro caps is great by me!


3 years ago

Whoa!!! Massive controversy to just hit The Call. Going forwards stocks given a unanimous buy or sell are to go to a monthly investment committee for review and ultimate go/no-go decision. In terms of controversy this ranks right up there with Watergate, the removal of the downvote button from Strawman and when the World Wresting Federation (WWF) changed its name to World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). Presumably the idea is to better replicate the investment fund process where recommendations would go through various hurdles, including an investment committee. No doubt it's another way to fill an hour or so of ausbiz with content that might be watched by retail investors.

My initial thoughts are mixed. It might be interesting to see a process better replicating real life (not entirely convinced) but I currently like the fact that the portfolio is more shoot from the hip style. The fact the portfolio has done so well relative to the market (not sure that's the case so recently) is bemusing and feeds into that counter-culture thematic. Hmmm...


very good, love it, are you getting the "nod" for the committee


3 years ago

Presumably performance will tend to in line with the market.


3 years ago

I agree. I can only assume they are doing it to make more money for themselves somehow.

I also enjoy the simple voting system and the resulting outcomes from their portfolio that moves and trades like a covid retail investor.

Oh won't someone think of the children and tell kochie to 'don't fix what ain't broken'.


Tbh, I like the idea of getting some more detailed analysis of companies that both fund managers view as buys. There's only so deep you can go in 5 minutes, but they might get a bit more time to analyse.


3 years ago

This could be worth a listen. Some interesting companies today - I only own Cogstate but have several others on my watchlist.



3 years ago

Thinking the very same.


3 years ago

Haven't listened to it yet - but will be sure to. Wonder if this episode had anything to do with this:


3 years ago

Great analysis on the show @Wini! Thank you for sharing your insights.

3 years ago

Claude and Wini on the The Call today.  Hopefully some decent smallcaps getting discussed.  Makes a nice change from the usual Friday suspects - Adam Dawes and Jun Bei Liu


3 years ago

Thanks mate, hopefully I lived up to the expectations!


3 years ago

What a line up! Getting stuck into it now too. 


3 years ago

Been a great week in podcast land - had Claude on Equity Mates on Thusday and Scott Phillips on Owen Rask's Australian Investors podcast on Wednesday. 


3 years ago

Good luck whoever is responsible for keeping this one under an hour...



3 years ago

Could be worse - it could have PME and XRF.

This will be a ripper episode though, love listening to both Luke and Claude, always insightful and always provide really thorough assessments.

Looking forward to it.


3 years ago

Hahaha yes we got the kick along after KME!