Forum Topics Reopening Stocks

I reckon Joyce is right about heaps of pent up demand for travel. As far as him being confident of international travel resuming in December I hope he is correct. However I take his comments with a grain of salt, I have heard similar comments from him that international travel can resume again in 4-5 months time continually since March last year. The premiers still have lots of power and most are on a completely different train of thought to Joyce and for that matter the national "agreed" plan.

3 years ago

Also on that note - which stocks to start selling based on upcoming reopening. 

My highest conviction reopening stock is AIA. Fantastic asset, despite an aweful FY21, which is no fault of the management team. They recently announced they are giving stock to their full time employees to thank them for their dedication to AIA. What a fantastic initiative to get your employee's interests aligned.

My speccy reopening stock is BPT...after much umming and aahing I dipped my toes in again to BPT with a small trade this arvo. We'll see how it goes, I guess haha. 

3 years ago

With the Federal and State Governments having agreed to a National Plan out of lockdown which occurs where 70-80% of the eligible population is vaccinated, with that target modelled to occur at the end if 2021, it appears now is the time to consider which stocks will benefit most from reopening the country.

There's buzz around KME as a reopen play. What other suggestions do people have?

I'll throw out Serko (SKO) as another. On the 4th of August, they released a market sensitive announcement with this:

"Trading Conditions Update

Trading conditions remain volatile due to the global impacts of Covid-19 and ongoing travel restrictions, particularly in the Australian market.

New Zealand domestic travel bookings have remained strong at 166% of 2019 volumes for the month of June and 137% of 2019 volumes for the month of July. However, Australian domestic travel bookings dropped from 56% of 2019 volumes in June to 35% of 2019 volumes in July due to the further tightening of inter-State travel restrictions within Australia in response to the increase in Covid-19 cases in some States.

Serko’s CEO, Mr Grafton said: “We planned for further lock-downs to occur in our core markets during the current financial year as vaccination programmes progressively roll out and we have factored these disruptions into our capital management plans. As such, we continue to target an average monthly cash burn of between $2 million and $4 million despite the persistent Australian  lock-downs. We remain optimistic that Australasian travel bookings will revert to the levels seen at their peak in April 2021 once the travel restrictions in Australia lift, based on previous recovery trends.”

Disc. I hold both in my RL portfolio


Part of me is temtpted to look more at reopening stocks. However the national plan that states have "agreed" on, how likely is it that plan is executed and when?  I have no confidence on the answer to that! Having said that, it would be good to see this thread get some momentum, I am still curious to see potenital ideas based on this theme. Maybe in the future I will get some faith we that we will reopen in my lifetime!

To expand on my hesitancy about being confident this agreed plan is executed well, the key thing I hear from state premiers is they have just agreed that lockdowns are "less likely" when these vaccination targets are met. When I hear them speak I get the impression yes they have agreed to open up assuming the starting point is an extremely low number of cases in all of the states. "Opening up" for them might be that rather than lock down with 1-2 cases, they may keep things open, but when cases near 10 it is too risky so they close again. i.e. we agreed and delivered on lockdowns being less likely. I refer to the premiers outside of NSW.

Don't take this as any opinion of mine on pro lockdown or not, not meant to be a political post. I am just thinking about what is most likely from a potential investment point of view when it comes to reopening stock ideas.


3 years ago

Here are my thoughts:

1) Australia is about to face the most challenging stage of the pandemic. To switch from an elimination strategy to a "living with COVID" strategy is going to be painful, traumatic, and requires highly competent and responsive leadership.  It will be like trying to land a 747 in your backyard - open too fast will trigger excess deaths, and another hard lockdown.....

2) The National Plan has been developed relying on Doherty modelling.  the Doherty modelling provides a range of scenarios, and the modelling shows IMHO lockdowns, unfortunately, will inevitably continue, as will ongoing social distancing restrictions.  Don't believe the news headlines or the political spinners - they haven't read past the executive summary.  

3) The air travel businesses will continue to face disruptions for sometime - I consder ti too risky to invest in right now.  I think people will travel / holiday locally - Camplify may benefit (DISC - I HOLD).  Discretionary spending may stay elevated for longer thna expected. 

4) Companies with revenue denominated in USD will experience ongoing tailwinds. The AUD will be under pressure I think. This may drive increased interst in alternatives to FIAt, suc as crypto exchanges and investing (RAIZ).  Scarce assets will become more valuable..................Lark Distillery.

4) testing and tracing will continue, vaccinations will be a years long business opportunity - Sonic Healthcare, working from home will be more or less permanent.  Home deliveries, takeaways,  home excercising, Wotso office space will be the norm (who needs to rent office space anymore?)  

5) Longer term, allied health business, such as occupational therapists, already in short supply, will have growing demand for patients recovering from COVID related side affect.  

6) HR / OH & S Software to manage staff OH & S risk in relation to vaccinations information / contact tracing - Rightcrowd? Damstra (DISC - I HOLD)? Enterprises will need to keep track and records of staff vaccination status, and movements in many curcumstances to maintain their OH & S obligations. 

7) Disrupted learning - Yes, KME is well placed to benefit I think.  


3 years ago

Nice well thought out points Rapster. I like the thinking.

I do however disagree with some of the points, especially #3.

The current graph for confirmed cases in Australia versus deaths indicates that the most at risk category are people aged 60 and over. I don't believe the incumbent Federal Government would be pushing for the States to toe the line with respect to opening State borders if they hadn't done the research and modelling on the projected outcome. The push for the most vulnerable section of the population to be vaccinated early in the vaccination program, I believe, has paid dividends.

Anecdotally, living in the outback has had a profound affect on my view of freedom of movement through air travel. Our country is vast. It's very easy to forget when living on the East coast when within driving distance of friends, family and comfort, that a large amount of  Australians rely heavily on air travel as a means to travel the vast distances around our country.

There is pent up demand in this space and the reopening of borders will lead to a marked increase in air travel. 

I believe the market recognises this, as exampled by the Qantas share price surging 20% after the announcement by the Federal Government since the start of the week, even after posting a 1.8 billion dollar loss.

I do believe international travel is still some way off, but the domestic market is set to rebound in a big way.


3 years ago

I just watched this news grab with Alan Joyce who seems confident that International travel will recommence in December. He also points to their pent up demand data, which supports my earlier post.