Forum Topics An Essay on Investing in Small Stocks
3 years ago

Here's an article I found interesting by Ian Cassel from the MicroCap Club.

I always enjoy his articles and this one is no different.



3 years ago

Excellent article by Ian Cassel. The most memorable point amongst many was:

  The best companies are investing for the long-term in ways shareholders don’t fully grasp or appreciate - so look at the 3 year outcome, not the short term.

AND which I can relate...

All my winners had one thing in common, I was always averaging up. Most of my losers had one thing in common, I was always averaging down. The best investments are the ones where the fundamentals accelerate, and the stock is a better risk reward higher than it was lower. Don’t be afraid to average up. Often times the best place for new capital is buying more of the companies that make it look easy.