Forum Topics Premium so far
3 years ago

About one month to the day since Premium went live - loved it so far. it's been so great to be able to engage with like minded people who have a shared passion for investing. Content has been of a very high standard and i've really enjoyed the meetings, hearing from CEO's, guests and some very intelligent members with their stock pitches. The free site was great, but I feel the standard has clearly risen since premium began. As a locked down Melbournian, Strawman has also provided me with a much needed distraction from these difficulties, really increasing my knowledge in areas of the market I didn't know much about previously. It's also been great to read through the member backgrounds and see such a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences. Very glad I joined Premium, will continue to be an important part of my investment journey! 


3 years ago

Agree wholeheartedly. IT has been brilliant to read and learn on the varying approaches to investing and diverse views . 

I look forward to the coming months to continue this journey to assist my results and learn from mistakes.