Forum Topics Best podcasts and analysts?
6 months ago

Lets go 2024 Uranian is kicken the ..proverbial... Most around the traps are saying Small Caps up 15% 20% Generally happens when the Large Caps go -up ~ 10%

Lithium supply/ demand problem.

Soft Landing!! or no 'Landing required' (touch the tarmac and fly again!!!!) in this fiscal environment. for both FED (though inflation higher in last month) & RBA.

From the Intelligent

Eureka Report is good captures various topics. 'The Money Cafe' Allan Kohler , James Thompson, Stephen Mayne

Investing podcasts

  • Never dry or dull, Planet Money explains tumultuous economic events in ordinary language, or give Slate Money a go if you like your financial podcasts short and feisty.
  • At the opposite end of the length spectrum is Acquired, an interesting discussion on major acquisitions and tech topics. Though at 2–3 hours a pop, it's best for long drives.
  • Econtalk with Russ Robers, a favourite of our founder, John Addis, is about 'how the essential insights of economics can help us understand the world around us and lead better lives'. Or try one of Nick's top picks, Business Breakdowns, for a deep dive into how businesses work, with a new company each week.  
  • How I Built This by Guy Raz offers a series of interviews with entrepreneurs and how they built their companies. If you love How I Built This, Wisdom From The Top is also worth a listen, with excellent CEO interviews about how they turned their companies around.
  • Stuff You Should Know has a remarkable charm that blends education and humour better than most, but with a quieter tone that makes it perfect for easy listening. No Such Thing as a Fish – a personal favourite – has a similar feel but is spiced up with dry British wit. They may not be investing specific, but you're sure to learn something.   
  • We’re fans of both Exponent and Decoder, two tech-focused podcasts. The latter can be hit or miss but when you find a topic that interests you, it’ll have you hooked.
  • Invest Like the Best and We Study Billionaires are great resources for interviews with prominent investors and do a good job of blending the interviewee’s background and context with the technical aspects of investing. For something homegrown, check out Australian Investors Podcast by Owen Rask, which offers a great array of guests and interesting topics. 
  • Tune in to Market Watch or Alan Kohler’s The Money Cafe to stay up to date with what’s happening in the markets, as well as other Eureka Report podcasts for Alan’s incredible selection of interviews with Australian CEOs and investors.
  • And, of course, your analysts never miss an episode of the Intelligent Investor podcasts.

Blogs and videos


2 years ago

Thanks all for sharing your valuable recommendations. Most are well covered and subscribed in my podcast app. But a few promising ones ive since added.

One thing i struggle is to find Australian focused podcasts that follow investing, finance, and other business news. Alot of quality stuff that goes into value investing and other finance topics that originate from a US focus , which im sure principals are the same, but i much prefer the australian podcasts as you can really relate to the local companies and examples used.

Same issue I have finding personal finance and FIRE based podcasts and information that come from australians, as they typically are more relatable, albeit a fair few have now shut shop it seems with the recent ASIC influencer crackdown.

The same goes for books, always refreshing seeing an australian focus, but alas with how small we are I guess half the fun is learning principles from overseas and applying it in a similar light.

Tempted almost to load up my stake account that i'm trialing and startup the US side, and get 'into the deep end' of the US markets, but there's always the thought t hat one may stretch themselves too thin given the Aus market is big enough in itself for a retail investor.

2 years ago

This is one of the most refreshing podcasts I’ve heard recently, on Livewire:

About the podcast:

When I ask most fund managers about today's operating environment, they almost invariably respond with words like 'difficult', 'complex', or 'bearish'. 

And you can't blame them. The age of cheap money and growth at any cost is over. They're not defeatist, by any means, but it's safe to say they've had easier days at the office. 

So it was a breath of fresh air to sit down with Bob Desmond from Claremont Global to record this latest episode of The Rules of Investing. Bob's optimistic, and he's "finding value everywhere."  

Claremont Global run a high conviction global fund of just 10-15 stocks. Being that concentrated would send shivers down the spine of many investors at a time like this. But while it's true that diversification is the only free lunch in finance, it's also no coincidence that the vast majority of the world's top investors pass on the free lunch and choose to be concentrated. 

Bob takes comfort in knowing a few companies well. You could say that the quality growth companies Bob invests in are made for the moment. That is to say - indispensable large cap companies with lots of cash and big moats. 

In today's episode we cover the kind of big tech stocks Bob likes, the stock he's just bought after waiting years for the right price, how he manages investor expectations during a bear market, and much more!

Note: this episode was recorded on Monday October 10, 2022. 


2 years ago

@Rick yep I enjoyed that podcast episode too - I don't know much about Claremont but I'm sure I've heard Bob talk before (on some other podcast?)

3 years ago

Added this a few weeks ago

  • Podcasts
  • Both Money Cafe's
  • The rules of Investing
  • The Australian FInance Podcast
  • Motley Fool Money
  • Equity Mates
  • The Richards Report
  • The Australian Investors Podcast
  • Chris Judd Talk ya Book
  • Inside the Rope
  • Trawling for ten Baggers
  • Marcus Padley
  • Fear and Greed
  • 7investing
  • Wealth of Experience


  • Firstlinks
  • Foranger Funds
  • FNArena
  • ASX Equity Research Scheme
  • Owen Rask
  • A rich Life
  • Small Caps
  • Livewire
  • Stockhead
  • Ausbiz
  • Chris Judd Invest

The Squiz is a great daily 5 min read for what is happening in the world today.


3 years ago

Wow that's quite a list!  Will have to check those out.  Do you have any particular standouts for stock tips/advice, maybe a 'Top 3'?


Small Cap also has a good podcast. 

Mining stock education is also useful if you want to learn about that area. 

I also found Trawling for Ten Baggers decent, though think they have finished. 


2 years ago

Great, thanks for this list. Have most of them already but a few newbies based on this forum post: trawling for ten baggers, investing by the books etc.

Do have ausbiz on there podcast wise, but haven't tuned in to there other programs or newsletters. Interestingly i hear so much of Rudi (FN Arena) and Claude (richlife) that i haven't signed upt ot he newsletters. Just signed up recently to Ausbiz's newsletter actually.

Is The Squiz business orientated? Or news? I do need a few more "5 minute" daily read emails as far as tech, and particularly finance and investing go. Even current news affairs might be handy for some low level reading.

That said - there's SO MANY podcasts out there. I've found i started on my current phone with 0 backlog and now hit 3,800 episodes. Sometimes there's so much to read, listen and view that it's almost overwhelming getting signed up to so many things. Be great to whittle down the STrawman community's top 3 or 4 sources on podcasts and newsletters covering various major areas.


2 years ago

Thanks for the Mining stock education. This is really handy, always wanted to know more about the mining side having a WA biased, and not having a geologist or engineer background certainly puts you at the 'not my speciality, dont invest' camp, which is hard given so much of WA stocks cover the mining field.

It sure is hard to find good quality finance/podcasts that are tailored and based in Australia.