Forum Topics Uranium Investments

Hi All


my 2c is split between the short / medium term and LT.

firstly the ST. IMO the commodity complex has moved significnatly higher with a few notbale exceptions one being Uranium. i wont go into the arguments for base load energy usage (+) and issues with saftety etc (-), except to say both arguments have merit and deciosns will be made by various countries given their options. Uranium has been dormant for quite a while with cutbacks etc commonplace. i had never heard of Sprott before but did a bit of DD and decided they were legitimate, and what they were doing would potentially tighten the U mkt. the U market was open to a squeeze, with spot way belwo cost of replacement, marginal cost of prodn etc. long term ct to spot mix favourable.

where this settles is anyones guess. ithink it moves higher then settles. this is not an overly dynamic mkt IMO. it is slow moving. there is a possibilty of a short squeeze, and that would be a great outcome for holders as per 2007(? i think). possible- depends how much ammunition Sprott gets and how aggressive they are.

longre term i recall a conversation i had with the ceo of RIO about 10 years ago. i asked why they did not go hard into U given their involvement with ERA and in Africa. he replied that the time to get a U mine up was much shorter than a reactor. that is a negative, and the opposite of many other commodiites. so LT investing in U is proabbaly not a good idea and now is the intersting period. 

i have no idea where the shares will go and view them as trading stocks, not investing

sorry cant be of much more help








3 years ago


Energy Fuels Inc is based in Lakewood, Colorado, is the USA largest producer of uranium and the leading conventional producer of vanadium, both designated by the U.S. government as critical minerals. Energy Fuels is also making progress entering the rare earth element production business.

  • July 21 - UUUU To Acquire Portfolio Of Conventional Uranium Projects In Utah, Colorado From EF Parties
  • Aug 21 - Entered a strategic alliance with RadTran to evaluate recovery of Thorium and radium from it's uraniam processing facilitites for development of isotopes needed for medical supply chains


I'm just flagging a non-ASX Uranium play which sounds promising - diversified for uranium and rare earths play, plus looking at medical opportunities!