Forum Topics ASX Small and Mid-Cap Conference Sep 14 & 15
3 years ago

The recordings for all the conference presentations are now available.

Link to YouTube Recordings of Presentations


3 years ago

It's a shame that they cut out the Q&A in the recordings.

3 years ago

The conference has now concluded - overall, I found it to be a great mix of well-known stocks, and some I've never heard of at all. 

 Adding the following to my "Further Research Needed but Deeply Interested" queue:

  • CHM: Chimeric Therapeutics Limited
  • ONE: Oneview Healthcare Plc
  • BEX: BikeExchange Limited 
  • 3DP: Pointerra 

There was one thing that kept nagging at my mind regarding Fluence Corporation (FLC) - was there a scandal a few years back regarding some sort of fraud in the business? Tried to google but nothing was coming up - I can't seem to remember the specifics of this. 

Edit: Nevermind, it was PET not FLC that had the accounting issue. 

3 years ago

@MikeBrisy you have summarised my feelings. I really like the company and want/ed  to invest. I just can't help but feel, that they need to bring in someone else to drive the product commercially to the next level. 

3 years ago

VHT presentation at 3:30pm

Some new information presented verbally or in the presentation, but mostly known information.

Ralph covered the company well, and known information I like to be reminded of as follows:

1 Ralph is CEO and founder – company based on his Oxford PHD.

2 Product is clinically validated with 200 peer reviewed papers (although later he said 400 peer reviewed products??).

3 He covered what data the software captures, how it is used to add-value to the breast screening process. The product works live - the scan occurs, and the AI provides a response on the spot. The operator knows immediately whether to rescan. The radiologist has a bunch of risk-based information available to him or her to assist them in their analysis and diagnosis. This is the value of AI/cloud/and workflow.

4 VHT has over 50 million mammogram scans in the cloud. AI improves with data volume, so this is good. The two recent acquisitions were primarily to purchase data!

Other tid-bits I observed

1 VHT wants to move from screening to prevention. They will do this by getting enough data for people to know to have their first scan early and then if required, have regular scans – meaning they monitor breast change over time.

2 There are competitors in this market. VHT’s moat is that it is clinically validated, and the real value-add is the whole information flow process from scan to radiologist to woman. Silo based software doesn’t add value to the clinician or the individual woman.

3 The US FDA is still looking at mandating that all breast scans come with a density score. This federal law will standardise state laws. This has been delayed since October 2020 for various reasons. But once passed, it will improve VHT revenues.

4 The bulk of revenues are from the US. But VHT is actively in trials with European nations, working with their regulatory bodies.

5 The lung scanning product is a new product, but not their primary focus. VHT are still primarily focused on breast scans and increasing revenue from breast scanning products.

6 Expect to see an ad campaign from VHT in Aus and NZ soon – encouraging women to ‘know their density’ and to ‘attend a clinic with VHT software to find it’.


3 years ago

Nice work reddogaustin - looks like we are on the same page with a few points...