Forum Topics Real Life Meetup

Just a reminder that the Brisbane meet up is this Wednesday the 27th at 6pm. For those that haven't already, send me through an email for the details if you'd like to attend. We have 9 people confirmed so far. Looking forward to meeting everyone.

3 years ago

Hi all I just looked at my clinic for next week and I should be able to get away early. I just wanted to say I do work in Tweed border bubble that day (I am a gold coaster) I am double vaxed but wanted to make sure everyone was ok with me attending. I totally understand if anyone has an objection and can hold off for the next one. Otherwise would love to meet everyone. 




A couple friends and I are planning on catching up in real life to talk stocks in about a months time. If anyone in the Brisbane area is interested feel free to send me an email - or reply below with a contact number/email.

It's pretty casual and all experience levels are welcome. A few of us may spend 5-10 minutes to pitch a stock idea (optional).


3 years ago

I'd suggest this in Melbourne but it would be illegal! ha ha


3 years ago

Interested in a Melbourne catchup one day in the future 


Date is set for Wednesday Oct 27th at 6pm. Send me an email for the location if you're interested. We currently have 5 people who've said they'll attend.


3 years ago

Sounds great. Just sent you an email.