Forum Topics Valuations
3 years ago

Are we coming to the end of the valuing of growth stocks using P/S or P/R or P/BS (my favourite :) back to the good old PE? Will we see a return to a growth stock being something on at a PE20 and a value stock at PE10-12. Early signs over the last few months include news that once resulted in a company jumping 20% now barely causing a change. One could argue it's long overdue especially, when a juggernaught like Apple can be on a PE ratio in the mid 20s and continue to grow at impressive pace whilst, so called growth stocks earn no money for years and years and be at a price that make it impossible to grow into even using the P/BS! Food for thought! 


I don't think so. 

The reason P/S etc. is being used is because it's a way to quantify a value for the likelihood of a company that has a relatively small chance of success making a LOT of money. 

Ie., a lot of these businesses will fail, but the few that make it will make it big. 

If you're into probability/statistics, there's a very long and thin right tail that skews the average. 

Idk. That's my current thinking with why many growth stocks are valued so highly thesedays. Seems like a certain style of investing.