Forum Topics October Monthly Meeting
3 years ago

Hi all -- hope you can make our Monthly Meeting today at 12pm Sydney time.

We're jumping straight into a CEO interview with Pat Howard of MSL Solutions (ASX:MSL) -- a POS and event management software provider that's seemed to have turned a corner, and has just dipped into profitability. 

After that we'll chat with our own BkrDzn (aka Josh Baker from Capital H), who'll give us a run down on their investment style and discuss some stock ideas. Josh will also talk about some investment ideas that didnt work out, and why.

Next up is Jason Dixon of The Environmental Group (ASX:EGL). Member Sleepeasy helped arrange this and will give Jason a brief introduction.

Finally, to round it out, I wanted to give a short talk on company Equity -- what is it, what does it mean and what can it tell you.

Also happy to hang around a bit for the end if any members have any questions or points of discussion.

As usual, please just head to the meetings page to join the event, and a recoridng will be available soon after its finished.

We'll be using Slido to organise questions, and i'll get this up ahead of the meeting so you can start logging questions or comments.

See you soon!


3 years ago

Slido link is here:

(note that there are seperate tabs for each guest)