Forum Topics The Motley Fool....or more fool me
3 years ago

Motley Fool was responsible for me learning the basics of investing and started me on my way to financial independence. I have had a long association with TMF having been a subscriber to their Share Advisor, Hidden Gems, Dividend Investor, PRO and PRO2 services. I am currently a member of Extreme Opportunities but will not be renewing my membership when it comes due next month.

Undoubtedly my membership of their PRO service set me up financially but I never understood why they changed what was obviously a winning formula. It could easily have been extended and if not for PRO my TMF experience would have been underwhelming.

Unfortunately, the TMF that exists today bares little resemblance to the organisation I was originally attracted to. I guess no business stays the same over time and the direction TMF has taken in recent years has meant I won’t be a continuing my association with them as of next month. It’s disappointing how their service has changed but nothing stays the same and I’m moving on.

The continuous expansion of services and relentless marketing hype doesn’t help their offering in a positive way but for me the biggest differentiator from their early days was the loss of several key advisors that made TMF a value proposition. Proven performers like Joe Magyer, Matt Joass and our very own Strawman all moved on to bigger and better things and TMF is a lesser service for it.

Fortunately, I have been able to follow these guys in their various endeavours and they all play a role in my investment network to my betterment.



3 years ago


Honesty - yes, courage, I don't know about that, I was just my experience!

I have no doubt TMF still appeals to 1000s of investors of all kinds and there is nothing wrong with that because we are all different and have differing requirements.

I was a member of Share Advisor for many years and served me well - it's a solid service but, as I grew as an investor and developed my own investment style I followed the people and organisations that I related to and now have a network that suits me better for the companies I like to invest in. SM is obviously a part of that.

Goodluck with your SA membership, and yes I agree Andrew is a good unit!



3 years ago


You can borrow an idea, but you can't borrow conviction (and you need conviction to hold through periods of volatility!)

3 years ago

Couldn't agree more, they have become embarassing...Fool Off

3 years ago

Hi all,

Like many I started my journey with the TMF Currently still a SA subscriber but didn’t renew my EO. For me I had to start somewhere, Bought into EO recommendations as they came out. I only have a couple of there legacy recommendations left in RL. I do recommend the Podcast to others, and believe there is a lot of valuable information offered. The reinforcement of the Psychology of investing from SP and SM I think is particularly valuable. Ultimately for me it has helped to reinforce many of the fundamentals and opened the investment world up. I originally followed TMF for a while before I dipped my toes and i think it was a great stepping stone.  Over time I started to get a feel for there style but more importantly I started to see the networks and some patterns that have helped me move forward. I get the impression that over the longterm there strategy should always win and may be perfectly acceptable to many people. Theres plenty of value in TMF  (if you take one of there offers ;) )

I may not have found Strawman without the initial exposure of TMF but I am glad I did. 


Hi Guys, coming out of an insto background, i had next to no knowledge of retail focussed investment services. i had heard of TMF and Padley but that was about it. now i relaise there is a huge amount of retail investment services/wires/blogs etc out there.

i have subcribed to TMF and must admit to being underwhelmed with their analysis. i dont like to put the boot into people and it has only been a year but there recommendaiotns have been pretty poor. not giving their IP away but have included several clangers eg NXL CSX + more. i have not invetsed in any of their recommendaitons due to i like to monitor soemone's style and how willing they are to take on the risk/reward equation. they seem to be attracted to strongly perfoming share prices and get in at full "bull" sentiment.

TMF has had soem personnel changes as well. i see their recommendations are usually met with a strong share price reaction so soemone belives/follows them. 

my question is am i being too harsh, should i move on or do others have better experiences/ comments


thanks to all replies, much appreciated. stirred a bit of a hornets nest by the looks of it :0


3 years ago

I think you have answered your own question... Irrelevant of their performance, if you personally aren't seeing/feeling the value, then, as you point out, there are many other retail services offered.

Disc. I have previously been a member of the TMF.


3 years ago

I think it's all pretty much been said by others. My personal experience was with Joe Magyar and Matt Joass from the inception of Pro. I kind of liked Anirban when those two left but then the usual MF treatment occurred: they tend to hollow out existing high cost services and entice you into paying for a new shiny one instead. 
I wonder if Andrew signed an Non disclosure!?

The red flag for me was the staff turnover, but I accept that I certainly have a bias because Jo and Matt were instrumental to my success in the stock market - and they left. 


3 years ago

Very well put.